Contemporary Chinese Art
“Peace,” Duan Fu Chang, Gouache on rice paper, 30 x 31 inches. Yunnan Art
The swastika symbol on the ear is common to many countries and is very old. In China, this is the first of 65 auspicious signs on the footprint of Buddha. The swastika is taken from Sanskrit and means, “so be it,” which denotes “well-being.” It also describes a “myriad of 10,000.” The figure is dressed in traditional Wa costume, and shows doves (“faith”) in flight. It should be noted that this style of painting has just recently been officially recognized by the Chinese government. Traditional brush, ink, and gouache is used on rice paper,
which creates a unique effect. Yunnan artists combine traditional oriental art with modern western art. Some artists have studied Picasso, Matisse, and Modigliani and were inspired to experiment with new themes, techniques, and spatial concepts.