Welcome to My Little Corner of the Web

My name is Melissa and I am a student at Ohio Northern University. I am a vocal music education major with a possible minor in piano. I am originally from Marysville, Ohio (home of Scotts, Honda, and the Ohio reformatory for Women!) but I am currently in Ada at school. I am a sister of Alpha Xi Delta and a member of Community Chorus, New Music Ensemble, and MENC. I love it here at school and I enjoy my freedom.


I live in campus housing, Founders Hall to be exact. My roomate is way cool. Her name is Jen and I love her to death. We have a lot of fun together, especially listening to music, watching Comedy Central and VH1, and just laughing at the stupid things people do here on campus. Campus can be alot of fun sometimes. There are several fraternities and sororities that make for a great Greek Life:) Even though this is a small campus, there are things going on all of the time. SPC and Student Senate do wonders with the extra time that we students can sometimes have. There is more to do here than party and get drunk. Our campus is realatively safe, but like most campuses it can be dangerous:) Not to worry though, campus security is pretty tight. All in all, ONU is great, but there are some things I disagree with. Visitation hours are the biggest problem. We are not allowed to have members of the opposite sex in our rooms after 11:00pm on weekdays and 1:00am on weekends. This rule just bugs me. It's like we are under the care of babysitters or something. Woah! I'm bitching something fierce...better stop before President Freed has my hiney.

This is a piccy of my roomie:)

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