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Holiday Plans

Like the rest of the world, us at Useless Crap love the holidays! So, of course what kind of website would be if we didn't celebrate? So here we'll tell you what kind of things we're gonna do for the holidays. We'll also be accepting any ideas that you have. If music wasn't so large I would put music on, but I need to conserve my space. So yeah.

Halloween Plans:
Well, Halloween is a fun get dressed up and go trick-or-treating, you play pranks on people, egg houses, etc. So, how are we gonna celebrate this holiday? Well, for Halloween we're gonna edit all the character pictures so that they're in halloween costumes. We're also gonna put a bunch of Halloween pictures around the site. For now, this is the first time I've done this, so in future Halloweens It will probably get better.

I'm considering dressing the characters up like Pilgrims and Indians for Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure yet. I'm gonna run it by the other guys and see what they have to say about this idea. So, for now we'll just see whats going on.

Everyone's favorite Holiday! Christmas time! Kind of like Halloween, I'm gonna dress the characters up and put lots of cool pictures on the site. But, I've already started work on it as I type this, so I'll try to make it alot better then Halloween was.

This is also something I'm not sure of, I'm thinking of dressing the characters up like bunnies and hiding Easter eggs all over the site. But once again, This is something I'm gonna have to ask the others.