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Here are our enemies.

Schizo: The Fourth, Forgotten Brother of the Trio. Not a triplet, but younger. Schizo got his name because of his mental insanity. There is no telling how many different personalities this creature has. No one knows what hes capable of either, All that is known is that he has the ability to use Telekinesis. The good thing is, He's so insane that he doesn't know how to use it properly.
C Defeated!

D Enemy is still at large
The Mecha Dragon living in the Desert.
C Defeated!
The Blade Worm. This Worm is covered in huge metal blades...He is extremely aggressive and very dangerous.
C Defeated!

Demetris: An Evil Demon that is trying to drown Juruda with his powers of Darkness. He is extremely aggressive and has very powerful dark magic.
C Defeated!

Aetescere: A Creature Made of Pure evil. This creature is so incredibly evil, that even the nonexistence of herself would be more fitting to her then if her enemies were allowed to Exist.
C Defeated!

Maldrayo: The Dragon overlord ruling Darnithias through Tyranny.
D Enemy is still at large