Roo's GLBT Youth Page

Yes, it's finally happening! I am actually updating my page. For all of you infidels out there that said it could never happen, guess what? You were wrong. Ok, so it took me awhile and two moves across FortuneCity for it to happen (and John saying "When are you going to update your page already?"). Not to mention quite a few strange sounds from my computer, but it's here. Enjoy.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Roo James. I'm sixteen years old and live in Sacramento, California, USofA. I'm also bisexual. If you are really interested in knowing more about me, I suggest you go here.

On to the actual purpose of this page, and yes, there is one.

As I said, I'm sixteen and bi. Oddly enough, there are a whole bunch of other people like me out there in the world and on the internet. I only discovered this two years ago, about the time I was figuring out my sexual identity. Alot of the resources I found on the internet helped me figure out who I was and who I was to become.

I decided not too long ago that I wanted to help other people like me- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered teens. I'm currently compiling my own repertory of resources, but until I get those sorted out and arranged, I have a bunch of links to resource pages and other helpful things.

GLBT Links:

The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) is devoted to helping gay youth. It's located in the Washington D.C. area, which doesn't precisely help unless you happen to be in that area, but they do have excellent resources linked to their page.

OutProud also has some excellent resources.

The Youth Resource Library has one of the most comprehensive libraries of youth resources I've seen yet.

Lavender Wolves is dedicated to helping gay youth. Lots of stuff there.

The Coalition for Positive Sexuality has alot of stuff dedicated to sex in general, not just homosexual. The view they take is that you should have sex when you're ready for it, not when someone else dictates the time.

Other Links:

My old page, Roo's Hideaway

My best-friend John's Page

My WAUIST page

You may E-Mail me here.


I'm also a supporter of the White Ribbon Campaign. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a campaign to raise awareness of gay-teen suicide, which is a growing problem in America- not to mention one of the major reasons I even have this page. A very close friend of mine committed suicide in February of 1998 because he felt he couldn't cope with his sexuality- or more precisely, his father couldn't cope with his sexuality. 30% of teen suicides are committed by GLBT youth. In any case, I felt obligated to put this up on my site. Check out the link, it would do you alot of good.

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Last updated: May 1, 1999