kimmie's Song
(for kimmie ~ an angel on Earth)

Gentle breath on my cheek tonight,
Will send me where the stars are high.
A place of love and happiness,
She's my friend when I need one.

Smiles so soft with endless love,
She warms my heart when I am cold.
Cradle her next to me all night,
She's my love when I need a hug.

Her words are sweet and always true,
Never need to examine them.
Her heart is pure and free of lies,
She's my guide when I am so lost.

She is the angel with eyes so soft,
I search for her when I'm around.
Reminds me how I used to be,
Times I was innocent and young.

When the world crashes in on me
And the darkness seems to call,
When I need to find my way out,
She just smiles and I am found.

A blessing granted me in this place,
My heart rejoices when she's near.
I will love her 'til my life's end,
Then I will meet her at the gate.

Until then...

Angel's breath on my cheek tonight,
Makes me happy and free, so right.
Girlish laughter and whispered glee,
Nothing hurts when she is with me.

I run with her through fields of green,
Chasing songs and butterfly dreams.
Sun on our skin and life so carefree,
And I call to little sis...


© TZ

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