Welcome to yet another graphics resource for your webpage! On the following pages
are backgrounds, bars and buttons to make your webpages look pretty darn good. Many are in
themed sets, all should lend your pages that extra style you've been searching for.
All graphics on these pages (except the purple frog logo) are free for your use, I ask only that you place this button somewhere on your page:
(The HTML code for this can be found here)
To download any of my graphics (except the purple frog!) for use on your pages, right click on the graphic and save to your
hard drive. If you have no idea how to use the graphics once you have them, go to
Three Steps to A Webpage for a list of tutorials and helpful hints.
Catnips Homepage � NipCat's Home � The Catnip Index
<-------Begin WebHobbit link fragment---------->
<---------End WebHobbit link fragment.--------->
N.B If you have saved the icon under a different name,
you will need to put that name in, instead of "hobgraf.jpg".