Greetings Earthling, welcome to the plane of Nirvana (Welcome to the web page of Nathan).
I live in Carmel in a basic house, and I go to Carmel High School.
In my travels throughout my neighborhood, I have encountered many stoners, wanna-be slackers, gereatrics, and other pathetic lower life forms.
Here are some things about myself:
- I am in 10th grade and I'm 15 years old.
- I have hazel eyes and light-brown hair.
- My height is about 5'9".
- I am intelligent, but I consider school a waste of time.
- My favorite color is red.
- My lucky number is 17.
- My favorite animals are a dog and a female mud wrestler.
My favorite music groups/people Jimmy Buffet, Tom Petty, and Aerosmith.
I hate rap, death metal, and other pathetic stoner music.
My favorite TV shows are Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and Bay Watch.
My favorite types of sports are Track & Field and Baseball.
I took Tae-kwan-do, I'm a blue belt, and I mastered the skill of kick-yo-ass.
My favorite foods are chicken, beef, and anything with meat in it.
My favorite drinks are anything but milk.
If you are reading this web page, you have obviously attained a state of enlightenment and you may want to reflect on what has been on your journey to this point.
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