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Name: Vampeta
Realname: Marcos Andr� Batista Santos
Position: Midfielder
Birthdate: March 13 1974
Birthplace: Nazar� (BA)
Age: 26
Height: 1m 82 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Club: Corinthians (Brazil)
Clubs played for: Vit�ria, Fluminense, PSV (Holland) e Corinthians
Titles for Brazil: Copa America (99) Vice-Confederations Cup (99)
How Vampeta plays: Good passer and crosser.
Z� Roberto
Name: Z� Roberto
Fullname: Jos� Roberto da Silva Junior
Position: Midfielder
Birthdate: June 7 1974
Birthplace: Ipiranga (S�o Paulo)
Age: 26
Height: 1m 72 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Club: Bayer Leverkussen (Germany)
Clubs played for: Portuguese (Brazil) Real Madrid (Spain) and Bayer Leverkussen (Germany)
Titles for Brazil: Copa Am�rica (97), Confederations cup (97). Vice-World Cup (98), Copa Am�rica (99) and Vice-Confederations Cup (99)
How Z� Roberto plays: Speedy left wing, good crosser and OK shooter.
Name: �lber
Fullname: Giovane �lber
Position: Striker
Date of Birth: July 23, 1972
Birthplace: Londrina, Brazil
Age: 28
Club: Bayern Munich (Brazil)
Clubs played for: FC Londrina (Brazil), Grasshopper Z�rich (Switzerland), VFB Stuttgart (Germany)
Titles for Brazil: none
How �lber plays: Great striker, can shoot well with both feet. Fast,Good at heading, and he just recovered from an injury back in March.
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