This web page tells you all about the band BAD.
The first thing that needs to be done is for you to get to know about us.
The person who typed out this web site is called Adam. He is 13 years old and is the manager of the band.
The rest of the band is Simon, who is the deputy manager of the band and is also 13,
Christina, Stephanie (her sister) and Katy our friends who are all singers.
We operate from a recording studio that Adam and Simon built in the early days of the Summer holidays 1998.
Here are a few pics to show you the recording studio.
Pictures not yet complete. They will be here shortly.
, so don't wait for them
Well thats the studio as we all call it. The gear was brought from different shops and companies. A few of their
hyperlinks are on this page. Info about the band :- The band started up as two friends wanting to have a bit
of fun, so they performed in the Winter holidays of 1996, when they only had two guitars and an amp to use,
but as time went by they got more and more gear, until they had enough to build a recording studio.
The main idea of the studio was so that the friends could record themselves without the sound of
"Adam it's dinner time" coming through the open door or "Simon you have to go home now", so the studio was made
to occupy two boys and the little equipment they had at the time. When three girls wanted to join, they needed
a bigger space so they built an extension on to the studio that was already there in a sense. It turned out perfect
and that's where we have been ever since. The bigger part in pictures 1 and 2 shows you where Adam and Simon sit
to dub all of the singing and music together. They also have the job of switching the lights on and off, if needed
etc. The smaller part in pictures 3 and 4 shows you where the singers sit and sing, that part is also where the first
studio was made. As you can probbably see, it isn't very big.
In the next couple of pages you will learn how to join the band and how we are doing with all of our recordings.
Click on the play button to hear some of our computer generated music if it hasn't already started: