© 2000 by Zedwaldo

Issue # 46 ~ Thursday, 01 June, 2000

"Small Wonder:  He opened his mouth, but closed his mind." --Zedwaldo



"Have King, will travel"

Awake and thinking, I am waiting for the thunderbolt from the blue... a thought that will just take over and announce it's intentions for greatness. That actually happens once in a while. This time it is just a collection of nebulous thoughts that wander to and fro. I've always wondered what or where "fro" was. I saw a Stephen King movie last night called, "Cujo." Now imagine this... a dog (a very big dog) gets bitten by a rabid bat. After a period of gestation, the dog becomes insane. Driven mad by any high-pitched sound or even movement, this normally very gentle family pet becomes a killing machine. This kind of thing happens every Summer in the country. You have heard of "Dog Days?" ...it isn't a holiday season. So what's so special about this account? Stephen King, that's what. Actually, it isn't just Stephen King that commands the attention, it is his way of writing. Perhaps any dedicated and driven genius could have written the story of what happens when a mother and child gets trapped in a stalled car with killer dog waiting outside for them to open the door. Perhaps. But this is what writing is all about, taking something ordinary and turning it into the extraordinary. A writer should take the minds of his or her readers into the thought-process that happens when someone has an experience. There are many times during a day, when a person pauses for reflection. That pause could be for virtually anything and can last only for a moment, but everything is contained within that thought. You might not remember that you even had it, but it existed supreme during it's time. We writer types live for those moments. These are those quiet "bolts from the blue," the raw material with which we can forge monuments of grandeur or the the certificates of merit. Getting back to "fro" ...or from a "fro?" I guess it's an expression, an oldie, but oldie. My red dictionary gives two definitions. The second one is quite astute, "BACK, AWAY -- used in the phrase to and fro." ...and the first one simply states that "fro" is an English word, meaning "from." How 'bout I back away from this subject before I get too "fro-word."



Time of your Life

Life goes on like
the beat of a heart;
If it stops for a moment,
it is only to start.

To start anew,
with a fresh surge;
To jump into action
at the slightest urge.

Time remains constant,
as a point of view;
It changes it's reference
to a selected few.

To measure a life
is not a crime;
Unless we measure
as a matter of time.

Copyright © 2000 E.D.Griswold (aka Zedwaldo), all rights reserved.

Check out my poetry connection:
Poetry House of Zedwaldo



She got's Good Credit

Mrs. Antonia Scalise, on a whim, mailed in a credit card application in her three year old daughter's name. Under occupation, Mrs. Scalise had written "preschooler," and added: "I'd like to have a credit card to buy some toys, but I'm only 3, and my mommy says no." She didn't list a Social Security number or income. Charter One Bank gave the girl a $5,000 credit line, a higher line of credit than Mrs. Scalise. "Ali keeps the card in her little black purse, and we've taught her to say, "Charge it." said Mrs. Scalise.

thanks to http://www.keepahead.com/ 

Buy or Sell?

The stockbroker's secretary answered his phone one morning. "I'm sorry," she said, "Mr. Bradford's on another line." "This is Mr. Ingram's office," the caller said. "We'd like to know if he's bullish or bearish right now." "He's talking to his wife," the secretary replied. "Right now I'd say he's sheepish."

thanks to http://www.jokeseveryday.com/ 

JOKE-LINK of the Week:

Heard a good one lately?  Clue me in, throw me a bone.  I'll take suggestions.  Write one yourself and Email it to me.  If I like it, I may feature it here.

Links and URL's

Have fun playing with a Prime Minister: http://www.phonyblair.com/ 

Need help with your Comic Chat? http://www.bojangle.com/ 

Guess what's coming for dinner? http://www2.msstate.edu/~brb1/possum.html 

WARNING!  the following link is a feature story on the popular drug, ecstasy... Is this a Horror Story, or a Dream Come True? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,46162-1,00.html 

How old are you... really? http://www.msnbc.com/news/247787.asp 

Stephen King Links
Stephen king's official website: http://www.stephenking.com/ 
A fan's webpage: http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/sk/absk/sk.html 
The unofficial homepage: http://w3.tyenet.com/lepage/ 
This is Horror-ible: http://www.isisw3.com/sking/ 


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All written material and graphics at this site, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright © 2000 by E.D.Griswold (aka Zedwaldo), all rights reserved.