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Pah-wraiths; Energy-based life-forms that lived in th Bajoran wormhole. Long ago, the Pah-wraiths were banished by the Prophets to the fire caves on planet Bajor and forbidden to return. In 2373, a Pah-wraith tried to use Keiko O'Brien in an elaborate attempt to kill the Prophets with a beam of chroniton particals. Fortunately, the Pah-wraith was driven form Keiko and the wormhole aliens remained unharmed. DS9 "The Assignment" 5-103

Pakled Captain Grebnedlog - Christopher Collins 
Reginoid - Leslie Morris
Coutu - Philip LeStrange

Pakled; (left) A deceptively intelligent humanoid race. Characteristically heavyset, these humanoids maintain a profitable cargo shipping consortium along the Federation/Cardassian border. They have an obsession with advanced technology they did not develop. Pakled ships usually have stolen or copied Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and Federation technology. Because of this they often find trouble with governmental shipping contracts, preferring to stay to grey-market or low budget shipping. Their simple, slow speech conceals their highly cunning and ambitious nature. TNG "Samaritan Snare" 2-43

Paraagans; This matriarchal species established a small mining outpost in the Alpha Quadrant circa 2131. Over the next 20 years, it grew into a colony (population 3,600), complete with schools and a museum. In 2151, the Enterprise NX-01 planned to visit the colony, but its shuttle apparently ignited tetrazine in the planet's atmosphere, eradicating all life on the surface. Because of this, Enterprise's mission was cancelled. Eventually, Captain Archer discovered that the Suliban were actually responsible for the explosion, and Enterprise was allowed to continue. ENT "Shockwave, Part I" 1-26

Paradan; (right) Coutu, Leader in the rebel faction on planet Parada II in 2370. Coutu discovered a Paradan government plot to sabotage peace talks with the rebels using an exact replica of Miles O'Brien. Coutu was responsible for rescuing the real O'Brien from government forces. DS9 "Whispers" 2-34

Mother Parasite that invaded Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick - Robert Schenkkanparasite invaders; Source: extra-galactic to Milky Way. A never-named race of tiny, crustacean-like intelligent beings who attempted to conquer the Federation by infiltrating Starfleet and taking over the bodies of high-ranking officers in 2364, an effort halted by Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and exposed by Picard and Riker. TNG "Conspiracy" 1-25

Pacsen took over the body of Counselor Troi  - Marina SertisPaxans; Origin: Paxan space. Extremely xenophobic energy beings of superior technology, capable of manipulating energy fields on many levels. They can penetrate the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D shields even when form and frequencies are varied, and inhabit another life form without danger to it for communication. Their "wormhole" stun-trap keeps away most visitors or robs their memory of the Paxans, but Lieutenant Commander Data's positronic brain is unknown to them and they threaten destruction of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D -- twice -- until Captain Picard convinces them that their memories can be erased and Data agrees to share the event with no one. TNG "Clues" 4-88

Kalin Trose - representitive for the beta moon - William Newman

Peliar Zel; (left) System with two inhabited satellites orbiting planet Peliar Zel. The population of Beta Moon suffered detrimental environmental effects when Alpha Moon used Peliar Zel's magnetic field a s a power source. Star Trek: TNG "The Host" 4-97

Peljenites; Planet unspecified. A space-faring species, otherwise nondescript, recently known to the United Federation of Planets whom Commander Sisko convinced to try an exchange of ambassadors with the UFP in 2371. DS9 "Family Business" 3-69

Petrarian; Planet unspecified. A space-faring race known for skimping on capital outlay and maintenance. Yates was in their employ when she and Commander Sisko first met at Deep Space Nine, and she blamed her initially outdated 15-year-old transporter model on them. DS9 "Family Business" 3-69

Photonic being attacks the Doctor - Robert PicardoPhotonic beings; (right) Noncorporeal, sentient,life-form discovered in the corona of a protostar in the Delta Quadrant by the crew of the Starship Voyager in 2371. Two of these creatures were accidentially brought to Voyager while gatherihng energy for a nearby protostar. One of the creatures took refuge on the ship's holodeck, where it briefly captured three members of the Voyager crew while trying to communicate with the crew. VOY "Heroes and Demons" 1-12

Apollo - Last of the Greek gods - Michael Forest

Pollux IV; (left) Planet settled by the extraterrestrial entities known to the ancient Greeks from Terra as Gods. Star Trek "Who Mourns for Adonis" 2-31

Parmen - leader of the Plutonians - Liam SullivanAlexander - a dwarf in a society of giants - Michael DunnPlutonians; (right) Humanoid originally from the Sahndara system, who patterned their society after the teachings of ancient Earth philosopher Plato. When their star exploded 38 survivors fled their doomed system settleing briefly on Earth. When the Greek culture faded, the Plutonians moved to another planet where theyacidentally developed powerful psychokinetic powers from ingesting native food. TOS "Plato's Stepchildren" 3-65

Pralor; Technologically sophisticated Delta Quadrant civilization that became extinct in a war with the Cravic people. The Pralor created sophisticated humanoid androids to fight their war with the Cravic. Later the entire Pralor society was destroyed when they attempted to deactivate these robotic soldiers. VOY "Prototype" 2-29

Galek Sar - captain of Promellian ship caught in a Menthar trap - Albert HallPromellian; (right) Technologically sophisticated reptilian culture that fought to its extinction a millennium ago in a war against the Menthars civilization. Promellian technology, although relatively crude by Federation standards, remains as an example of elegant simplicity in design. TNG "Booby Trap" 3-54

Prophets; (Wormhole aliens) Origin: Bajoran wormhole. According to Bajoran religious doctrines, the prophets are the spiritual protectors and guides to the Bajoran peoples. Throughout Bajoran history, several unusual objects referred to as "Orbs" have found their way to Bajor, where they are traditionally considered to be messages of wisdom from the prophets to the Bajoran people. There have been nine orbs total, each associated with a unique and important aspect of the Bajoran belief-system. DS9 "Emissary, Part I" 1-1

Prytt; (left) One of two nation-states that control planet Kesprytt III. The Prytt comprised one-quarter of the population of the planet. During a Federation investigation of the planet in 2370, Enterprise-D personnel reported the Prytt to be reclusive almost to the point of xenophobia. The Prytt did not even possess a communication network capable of contacting anyone outside their territory. TNG "Attached" 7-160

Pygorians; Planet unspecified. A race which includes non-aligned arms merchants, introduced to Maquis weapons buyer Sakonna via Quark. DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" 2-40

Pythrons; Planet Pythron V. A space-faring race. DS9 "Rivals" 2-31

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