stuff: this manga reads from right to left -
the usual Japanese way. It also has Japanese sound effects.
I should have done it in English, but back then, I wanted
to stick with something I was familiar with. And besides,
you gotta admit that English sound effects look stupid...
in superhero-style comics anyway. I've since changed my
opinion of English sound effects, but there's no denying
Japanese sound effects have much more flexibililty.
Now, for a
word of WARNING. This story is pure fiction.
While there is nothing graphic in this manga the premise
is a little DISTURBING. It deals with some DARK ISSUES
(like suicide), though it is all implied. I recommend
anyone who is easily distressed or offended by the concept
of such things to steer clear. That said, 99.99% of people
will probably still be here - anyone in this day and age
who finds implied suicide traumatising should not
be on the internet.
I also have
to apologise for the font used for the dialogue - it looks
terrible, but unless I get the time to change it, it's
staying that way. Bear with it.