"Magneto Rex:What Comes Next?" by David (Rhyme)
This is part 2 of my 3 part article on Magneto Rex (make sure to check out my misunderstood characters article, and my article on Marrow too!)
The X-Men's worst enemy legally controls Genosha. This is not a situation to be dealt with lightly. Will Magneto still control Genosha when Magneto Rex is over? Will the X-Men run him out of the country? Let's look at what could happen.
#1 The X-Men Have A Moral Split- The X-Men don't know what to do about Genosha. Magneto legally has the country, and has not done anything wrong with it yet. He hasn't commited genocide or anything of the sort. On the other hand, Magneto is dangerous, and giving him control of a country composed of mutants may not be the best thing to do. Tension rises as half of the X-Men say they can't go into Genosha and get Magneto out, and the other half says he is dangerous and he can't rule that country...no matter if it's legal or not.
#2 The UN rethinks their Decision To Give Magneto Genosha- After rethinking giving Magneto Genosha, the UN decides to take it away from Magneto. Things could go two ways from here. Magneto could step down peacefully, or Magneto could attack the UN.
#3 The mutate villain introduced in Magneto Rex #1 seizes control of Genosha, leaving Magneto without a country. This is not likely, however...because Magneto is a very powerful man.
#4 Wolverine Assassinates Magneto- This would be a risky maneuver, but I would like it for a couple of reasons. It would cause a break in the team, and lots of tension. It's been built up, so it wouldn't be out of the blue. Magneto's current character has deteriorated under current writers (except Joe Pruett), and he's become overplayed. And lastly...it would be the first risky maneuver in the X-Books in a very long time.
#5 The X-Men Drive Magneto Out Of Genosha- This wouldn't be as fun, because it is the predictable thing to do. But if the circumstances were right, it would make a good story.
#6 Magneto Gets Bored Of The Whole Thing And Leaves Genosha- This option would disappoint me very much if it was used. It isn't in Magneto's character to do such a thing, and it's the easy way out for the X-Writers. Also, gaining control of Genosha was the first major character development for Magneto in a while.
I've covered all the really big ways for this story to progress (or possibly come to an end). My favorite reason is #4. But I'd really like to see is something totally unpredictable, and great...something I haven't listed here. Because seriously folks, how long has it been since we were really surprised?
Read part one of this series here:Heading Towards the Political
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