Creative Writing Devotionals

Writing is a lot like working out, one writer claimed. You start from little "weights" - and slowly increase your capacity.

Here are series of writing exercises that would hopefully
build up your writing muscles.

Writing Exercise (Activity) #1

a) Write all your reasons (real or imagined) why you like to write...

Sample starter sentence: "For me, writing is..."

b) Take Three to Five words in this collection of words and write a poem, vignette, or free writing scribbles about them.

word collection: Stop, Violet, Chair, Cushion, Cloud, Fly, Honeymoon, Star, Spider, Girl, Race, Cry, Speak, Nails, Archaelogist, Yesterday

c) Think of ways why Pimples / Acne are like Life...

If you wish to send us the stuff you were able to do with this writing activtiy, Email Us! Subject Line: "Set#1 - submission" We'd love to know...

Copyright 1999,Sheila Ann Manuel

Thanks To Pat's Web Graphics for Backgrounds, Bars, and Icons

  (c)The Write Life by Sheila Ann Manuel/Samantha Coggins
The Write Life and respective authors retain their copyright
  to the Works appearing in This Site.
Last Updated23 August 1999