Creative Writing Devotionals

Writing about what matters most.

Entry #1     
"Write What You Love"
by Sheila Ann Manuel

"Let love and faitfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
WRITE THEM* on the tablet of your heart."

(Proverbs 3:3, NIV)

*emphasis mine.

When asked why a writer writes, Samuel Jackson was once quoted: "No one but a blockhead ever wrote for except for money." To which Erica Jong (author of books like "Fear of Fifty") retorted that "No one but a blockhead ever wrote except for love."

What about you? Why do you write (or want to write)? Where does LOVE and FAITHFULNESS stand in your life? What will you write (or not write) for these?

CreativeFlex in Writing:

1) Devise concrete and creative ways to bind Love and Faithfulness "around your neck" (eg, "Buy a pendant with the words "Love" and "Faithfulness" and wear them as a necklace." - hmmmm.... cheap shot. Id like to know how you'd fare on this one! :-))

2) List 5 Subjects/Titles that you can think of as you look at the words "love" and "faithfulness." Focus on one and Write On...

Copyright 1999,Sheila Ann Manuel

Thanks To Pat's Web Graphics for Backgrounds, Bars, and Icons

  (c)The Write Life by Sheila Ann Manuel/Samantha Coggins
The Write Life and respective authors retain their copyright
  to the Works appearing in This Site.
Last Updated22 August 1999