Author: E.Nesterenko (Jam)
Our to you hello! I hope, here more-less "moved forward" stalker,
that's why how especially to talk profusely about such elementary things, which
mentioned in help'� (is present in firm game version ) or moments, reviwed in magazine
(view. ZX-Power #2), I here do not gather. :) Can for burst out make clear some moments,
not realized (or realized, but not to the last) by much players.
So, FAQ:
Q: Why my stalker all the time dies?
A: You badly "got used" in game. Consult attentively to read a short story, and better
story "Picnic on side of a road" of brothers Strugackih. Wherein concludes all essence
"soul of stalker"? "Seven onces measure off - one cut off!" Stalker, he how
sapper is is wrong only once! If you hear a sound typical for trap,
why there to get? Better simply to go round by other deary, if much "balls",
one can be abandoned them and to be convinced, where exactly stands a trap. Although
here one can be broken off: if alongside are two "meat grinder" (or more) on hearing
you will be able to distinguish only speedy "blades rotation rhythm", if this is
"bomb", a sound will begin higher, if "kissel" is loudly. To be sure, to hear a
difference, it need remember, how sounds one trap.
Q: By me very fast closes energy, is relared all the
time to work only for acquisition of medicine chests. :(
A: For reduction of energy expenditures endeavour not to run with load here and there,
each load "kilogram" deducts on unit energies to excess. Consult to make
so: come deeply down Zones, if hit the objects, do not take them, and simply
memorize, where they lie (here will be useful the small flags). When you solved,
return and gather objects on approach measure to "going out". Do not
walk on "thorn", do not get without need in water, bog and sands. Endeavour to come
by shortest deary from commodity to merchants. In principle, is a sly method at all
not to spend energy beyond norm! Essence in following: pick up an object, after
throw in necessary direction. He will fall down not on cell that, and on one then,
as if will "move". After pass forward, take an object and throw
again. Well etc. Only limitation is to throw on "earth", otherwise
an object sinks (in water, bog).
Q: How to make arrangement with merchants?
A: All of merchants divide by 3 group:
- buyers of shallow commodity (BSC)
- buyers of basic commodity (BBC)
- buyers of costly commodity (BCC)
First buy only the very cheap "commodity", second hardly
better, plus sell inventory, third buy up only the very thin "commodity" and
also trade in inventory. How right to fix on phrase? Again, attempt
to get used in merchant "hide"! For him hunts police, approach agents provocateur and etc.
to Him is relared to "code". By that more "steep" commodity he buys, that strongly he
makes secret. BSC is former stalkers, people rude and open, with them and
to say may simpler, but does not stand to forget, that in dependence on select
phrase commodity can be "driven in" on 3 different prices: minimum, middle and maximum.
BBC - the more well-off peoples, they a talk by hints. Now and BCC
is relared at all spy receptions to apply, so that study by James Bond!
Remember: if you found a right dialogue variant, make use to them always, they
(dialogues) permanent, and if suddenly a merchant burst out answer somehow not this way,
that this is police! If you wound up a talk with neutral phrase, type: "How to get through
on market?, "that still will manage to unscrew, well and if with "Fellow, "commodity" it
need?", that here grass-snake jail not to pass...
Q: Can be killed police and soldier?
A: Can, but for each murder by you diminishes a moral, and without 99 moral
points a game not to get through. To Restore a moral may, beginning on "hand in circle", (if will drive,
and otherwise one can be died) but only on 1 point. A number of such "hands" limited.
Q: That gives experience?
A: Experience raises appearance probability of more costly objects.
Q: Can be walked on Zone without special dress?
A: May, but higher energy expense. In one case to take a diving-dress NEED...
Q: May be found Gold Ball?
A: Synonymous, may! (and need: )))
Well here, that bethought - related. If are the still questions, that
write to me personally, or abandon reports here.
Download full game version may here