FanArt Room 4
The use of acrylic...
I'm not a fan of acrylic, but it does have it's definite uses for me. :) In my opinion, painting with acryic is rather hard since it's not water-based as much as watercolors. It's thick, and hard to correct. I remember the first time I did an all-acrylic fanart on a big piece of poster board. It was a Gundam, and damn, it was hard because when I mixed colors and got the hue I wanted, I'd run out after a while and I'd have to remix and try to get as close to the first mix as I can, which never really worked. But I did my best and I think the Gundam turned out pretty well in the end. Hint: Acrylic is a very good cover-up.
I've never really used colored markers to color any of my work because I fear messing up. The closest mediums to markers that I use are either gold or silver markers. See that picture on the left, I used a gold marker to draw the design in the background. I dislike to fill in a certain space using markers, they tend to leave a dark line where the colors overlap. On the other hand, I'm really impressed with people who are able to use colored markers beautifully! :) Oh, if you're looking for good markers, try the PrismaColor markers, they work pretty well. :)
Computer colored works...
I've never really tried coloring pictures using the computer, but I've seen many people's works of art using that same method and it looks very good! I have Photoshop 5.0, and I hardly know any of the controls on it. (Someone should teach me...) For now, I'll stick with physically drawing and coloring my works. ^_~ BTW, none of the pictures posted are computer-colored/rendered in any way, except for being scanned, trimmed, or stamped with my sig.
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