
Someday you may happen upon a "sucka" follow these simple instructions so that you too can stick "it" to them like a "bad motha fucka"


Step #1:

Approach cautiously, as you do not want to frighten the "sucka" away before he/she has been properly stuck to.

(Do note that "suckas" do not generally come labeled as such this is just a training sucka)




<-------------------= A "sucka" in need of being stuck to






Step # 2: After you have summed up (laughed at) the "sucka" immediate action should be taken to "stick" him/her


-Note Mr. T's poise as he quickly moves to stick the sucka

"Bitchin.." comments a nearby bad motha fucka.

Step #3: At this point the sucka should have been probably stuck to with extreme prejudice, now the sucka should resemble something like this (substitute your name for Mr T's)

I'm not sure why his mouth is upside just is

In conclusion that is how to stick "it". If your results were not satisfactory you may wish to consult the Troubleshooting Section

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