I discovered Claudia humbly sitting on some obscure webpage several months ago. She has been tossed from page to page, from person to person, attempting to achieve stardom ever since. Well here she is, in all her phuziness, on this page or pages, her latest resting place. Feel free to pass this link on to freinds or to send her around, print pictures of her, put her up in your room, do whatever it takes to make Claudia a star.

Here's what some have to say about our bunny:

Betty & Barney

"We've been following Claudia ever since she began her rise to fame several months ago. We have all her records."


"Claudia? Yeah, she's a fox! well, she's a bunny, but she's HOT!"


"I've been obsessed with Claudia for a long time now. one day I actually saw her. I followed her for a while, but then some people came and took me away... but I saw her!"


"Claudia? I LOVE HER! She's my role model, I wanna be just like her! she's awesome!"


"I like zee rabbit... zee rabbit iz very in right now... i will see zee rabbit live in concert soon..."


"Who? Claudia? no, sorry, never heard of her."

Tinker Bell

"I worked with Claudia on my last project, Bunnies in Space, it was an absolutely delightful experience, I would work with her again in an instant."

Well, kids, now you've heard it from the fans. Remember, these are all real bunnies! So go forth and spread the word of Claudia. With your help Claudia's magic can touch the hearts of millions worldwide. A bunny doesn't live forever...


"Rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?"