
Welcome to my yearbook, where you get to meet all my freinds and other cool people.

The Chrissie Section!
Chrissie is really cool and she's cool and stuff, and she's a really good freind and stuff, and her name is Chrissie, with an ie, but some people call her Christine and she thinks that would be her pen name if she ever published something, because she writes lots of cool things, lots of Star Trek and Roswell conspiracy things, and yes I drew that picture up there. Ladies and gentlemen, CHRISSIE! More pics of Chrissie - Email Chrissie

This is Bre-ann. She's really cool too, and she's obsessed with Korn and she just tried to get on Fanatic but the stupid people at MTV already filmed the Korn episode, so she's really mad and stuff. She's got a tongue ring. And she has like every magazine in existence about music and teenagers.more pics of Bre-ann - Email Bre-ann - Bre-ann's Korn webpage

This is Mika, she's awesome, and she's papering her wall with Capri Sun packages, it's cool and stuff. She writes cool poetry and stories and stuff, too, and she reads comics and books and things, and she has a webpage! Here it is! - Email Mika!

This is Cochina(or however you spell it.) she's a dirty girl, she lives with Bre-ann... she's really cute and she's really really fat.

Twinkle is my online freind, she lives in New Jersey and she's really cool too. Her name is Jill. She writes lots of cool poetry as well. Maybe I can get her to let me post some of it here... I'll go ask... Yay! she said yes, ok so you can click here to read some of Twinkle's poetry. - Email Twinkle!

This is Lori and Lori is a sex goddess, and she rocks and stuff, and she really really likes Nine Inch Nails. She wears really cool dresses. She's like, really goth or something. She's awesome. This is Lori. Email Lori - More pics of Lori

This is Sparky, he's really cute too, and he's like, crippled or something so he limps when he walks, but it's really cute and Cochina always steps on him and stuff.

This is Angie, and Angie is really really cool and stuff. She buys a lot of little toys and stuff, and she really likes the Beastie Boys and PJ Harvey. She's item number J-67984 today on the fourteen karrot special. Operators are standing by.More pics of Angie - Email Angie!

This is Mitch, yeah that's him over there too. Isn't he sexy? mm hmm... thought so. Uhm... Mitch doesn't have a webpage but you can Email him and tell him to make one.

This is Claudia, the Phuzy Bunny! She is god, bow down to her. She is phuzy and she's a bunny, and she's awesome. She will eat you and your children if you're not nice to her, because she's the phuzy bunny. The Phuzy Bunny worship page
This is my mom, and she's really dorky but she's cool. Or something. She's always online. Excuse the blue eyeshadow, this is an old picture. email my mom
This is Spud. He is my little stuffed doggy, and he lives in my room.

This is Megan. Actually, it's just her hair, but that's ok.

This is my sister, Erin. Well, she's not real, but don't tell her that.
This is Molly, my real sister. One of them. The other one doesn't exist. She's six years older than this picture, but I like this one better.
This is me and I'm the person who made this page and wrote this poetry and met these awesome people and you can email me at [email protected] and here's more pics of me

Here is the big group picture or something. This is me, and Chrissie, and Sherry Bever. Sherry's really cool, too. She's in the background as well. She's, like, skanky spice or something, and she was dancing in her basement alone and she broke the tv. Isn't that cute? yay! The other people in the background are Amy, Kyra and Matt.
