Erik LeBeau (L'Phantom) hails originally from Paris, France. Home schooled from birth, he quickly discovered that his talents lay in the creative arts. In addition to writing, he also enjoys painting and composing music. His infatuation with the television show Forever Knight developed shortly after his late-adolescent meanderings found him in the United States. Following the death of his fiance, Erik left his Paris home to seek understanding. The plight of Nicholas Knight, a man out of time, seemed to speak directly to Erik's tortured soul. However, it would ultimately be the character of Lucien LaCroix that would begin to heal him. The stories showcased on this site represent that shift in focus, and the change in Erik himself can be seen through the evolution of his writings. Roger Armstrong (Site Developer) is a computer programmer from Birmingham, AL. At 19, he graduated from Birmingham-Southern College with a bachelor's degree in computer science. Now, at 21, he is fluent in 10 programming languages, including Visual Basic, C++, and COBOL, and maintains a working knowledge of at least that many others. He has worked on both PC and mainframe development projects, although website development is his passion. He is up-to-date on the latest internet scripting technologies, including both client-side (JavaScript and VBScript) and server-side (ASP and CGI) languages. Resume in HTML 4.0 format (Requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater) Resume in HTML 3.0 format(Suitable for all browsers) Back to Main Page |