Dear Harold,
I have this problem that I cannot answer on my own. I found your webpage
and I think you just might be the person I'm looking for!
I see that you have only just started, but I believe you will answer
this one well.
I have a horrible problem! I cannot keep my room clean! My underwear
thrown all over my room and when I wake up in the morning it all always
looks messier. I clean it ALL the time! I often cannot go out because
room is just smelly and nasty! PLEASE help me!
I could use your advice.
I have a similar problem with my room. My solution: don't bother
cleaning it. However,
common sense would tell you otherwise. Maybe you should clean your
room, then not
throw your underwear around (Don't worry, I'm not here to judge...).
Get a trash barrel
in your room, and put trash there. If you organize things once,
and stick with it for a
week or 2, your room can remain clean for quite a while.