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Questions Kids Ask About God

Question: Why didn't God just forgive everybody?

Answer: It would not be right or fair for God to just forgive everyone. There is a penalty that must be paid for doing wrong. The penalty for sinning against God is death, eternal death. But God loved us so much that He sent Jesus, his only Son, to pay our penalty. Jesus did this by dying on the cross, in our place. Now everyone can be forgiven by trusting in Christ.

Key Bible verses:
Romans 3:23-25, 5:8; Hebrews 9:13-14; 1 John 1:7

My views:
Before I became a Christian, I often asked myself this question: if the God in the Bible was supposed to be the God of love, why didn't He just forgive everyone. Actually God is willing to forgive everyone if everyone is willing to ask for forgiveness. However, most of us are too proud to admit that we have done wrong. We detest being told that we have done wrong. When I was a child, I rebel against my family and friends when they told me that I have committed a misdeed. I would deceitfully try to justify my wrong-doings by twisting their words and blaming others. I was full of pride, thinking that I was always right; never admitting my mistakes or even saying sorry. For my proud self, apologizing for my mistakes was the was difficult thing to do. One day, I did a heinous deed which caused me to be stricken with guilt. I felt terribly unclean even though I tried to washed myself clean with soap and water. I was not at peace with myself.
The next day, I went to a church and accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I humbled myself and asked God to forgive me and He did! Jesus made me clean again, I was
born again. Nothing or no one could make me clean like Jesus Christ who died for my sins. Time, meditation, chanting, doing good works, etc can never redeem us of our sins. Only the shedding of Jesus' precious blood can redeem us.
Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior has altered my perspective in life and made me realize that I had done much wrong in my life. I humbled myself and asked God to forgive the past misdeeds I had done. I now rejoice that God had forgiven me and made my life right.
If anyone of you have done wrong, and tried your best to make your life right but failed; humble yourself and ask God to forgive your sins. For nothing or one can forgive you except God himself. How to ask for God's forgiveness?
Click here.

Last words...
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) 

Source: 101 Questions Kids Ask About God,
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc
