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Questions Kids Ask About God

Question: How come when I share Jesus with my friends, they make fun of me?

Answer: Sometimes, people make fun of things which they do not understand. It is difficult to share Jesus and the Gospel with our friends. Often, they would reject what we say and think we are talking nonsense. However, the Bible says that some people will reject the Gospel while others will accept it (John 6:64; Hebrews 4:6). But, we should not be disheartened when our friends reject Jesus. Instead, we should continue to pray and treat them with love, grace and patience.

Key Bible verses:
Matthew 28:18; Luke 8:5-15; John 15:20-21; Acts 1:8, 13:47-48; 2 Corinthians 4:4-5

My views:
It is a sad truth that many people are not receptive to the Gospel. Some people of certain nations are so hostile to the Gospel that they will persecute and kill Christians. Thankfully, I am living in a country which is open to religious expression. I know that preaching the Gospel to the nations as commanded by our Lord Jesus seems like a very daunting task. Therefore, we should begin on the micro level, i.e. our family and friends. I admit that sharing Jesus Christ with my family and friends had been very difficult. I was fearful that they would laugh at me for being "fanatical" or a "religious zealot." I also feared that they would reject the Gospel and made me feel like a failure to God.
However, I have learned from St Paul the Apostle that we are preaching Jesus and not ourselves (
2 Corinthians 4:5). Remember, when people reject the Gospel, they are not rejecting the messager but the message. Thus, we should not be anxious about our articulation or performance when we share the good news with our family and friends. Rather, we should be bold and trust God that the Gospel will convict their hearts and minds to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Next week, I will talk more about how to effectively share Jesus Christ with your family and friends.
Related topic in Issues
# 18, 19.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to show us the way to salvation. Please help me to share Your love and salvation with my family and friends. Please give me the strength and wisdom to effectively preach the Gospel to them so that they will believe. I also ask that You will anoint me with the Holy Spirit so that I may speak words which will convict my family and friends to repentance and acceptance of Your Lordship. Father God, I have faith that You will save my family and friends according to Your will and schedule because You are a loving and merciful God who do not desire for anyone to perish. I ask all of these in Jesus Christ's precious and mighty Name. Amen.

Last words...
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." (Romans 1:16)
