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| PAST ISSUE # 58 Questions Kids Ask About God Question: How do I serve God? Answer: All Christians are called to serve God (John 12:26). Even if we collect garbage or run a multi-million dollar company, we can still serve God in everything we do. We serve God by glorifying His name in our work and leisure. If we collect garbage for a living, we should take pride in our job and work diligently. If we run a big company, we should manage our finances with integrity and our employees with humility and compassion. When we do this, we glorify God with our actions and deeds, and the people around us will see the Servant King, Christ Jesus in our lives (Matthew 5:16; Philippians 2:6-8). In addition, we can serve God by giving our time, talents and money. For example, we can volunteer our time by helping out at church or a charitable organization. If we are good at baking or web designing, we can volunteer our talents at the church's bake sale or website. We can also give our money to the church or the poor and needy. And, if we think that we don't have time, talents, or money; we can still serve God by sharing Christ with the people around us (Mark 16:15). However, some Christians are called to serve God in a fuller capacity (Jeremiah 1:5; Colossians 1:25). Some of us have been called by God to serve as pastors, parish workers, missionaries, etc. Regardless of what we do, we should serve God with joy because we are serving the true and living God, the Lord of lords, and the King of kings (1 Thessalonians 1:9; Revelation 19:16). Isn't that a wonderful privilege? Key Bible verses: Deuteronomy 6:13, 13:4; Luke 1:74, 4:8, 16:13; John 13:14; 1 Corinthians 5:8; Ephesians 6:7 My views: During my mission trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, my pastor and I also visited a street children ministry. It was inspiring to see so many young professionals and students serving in the street children ministry. At a shelter for street children, we saw a young doctor with a skinny homeless boy who is 9 years old but has the body of a 5 years old child. The doctor had just given the child a bath after they found him begging on the street. We notice that the child was beaming with a beautiful smile after his bath. I think he is happy to receive such love and care from the people who have taken him in. I thank God that there are many dedicated people who give their time and talents to help the poor and needy. It touches my heart when I see the children being loved and cared for by these young people. Imagine if there is no ministry for street children, or dedicated people to serve the ministry; the homeless boy will still be begging on the street. He will never know about God's love and purpose for him. Imagine that. Now, let me pose this challenge to you - today, you can make a difference in someone's life. Do it before that person is lost forever. Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank You for coming to earth to be a servant and a sacrifice for me. Please forgive me when I serve other gods. Please forgive me when I serve my own interests other than Yours. Lord Jesus, teach me how to serve You in everything I do. Open my eyes and hearts so that I can see the people who need You. Everything I have and own belongs to You. Use me and what I have to bless them and glorify Your Name. I thank You for calling me to be Your servant. Amen. Last words... "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 Next |