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Questions Kids Ask About God

Question: What is justification?

Answer: Justification is a proclamation by God that a believing sinner is righteous and acceptable before Him. Today, people are justified when they put their faith in God's Son, Jesus Christ. Such people are considered righteous by God, and are welcomed to enter heaven when they pass away. No one can be justified by doing good works because no amount of good works is sufficient to meet God's standard (Romans 3:23). We must remember that God is holy and righteous, and His standard is very high (Revelation 15:4). If we do not have faith in His Son but try to do good on our own abilities, we have failed to meet His standard of righteousness and are NOT considered justified. Only by faith in His Son will God consider us righteous enough to be a citizens of heaven.

Key Bible verses:
Job 9:2; Psalm 143:2; Romans 3:20-26, 4:5, 5:1, 9:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 2:16, 3:6, 11, 24, 5:4; Philippians 3:8-9

My views:
In the last issue, my challenge to everyone is "are we good or merely doing good?" The Bible clearly says that no one is good or righteous unless he or she has faith in Jesus Christ. If we try to justify ourselves by own good works and NOT by faith in Christ, the Bible says that we have fallen from grace (Galatians 5:4)! That is very a serious warning by Paul to the Galatian Christians who were being influenced by false teachers. The false teachers were teaching them that they must follow the Law of Moses, such as getting circumcised or abstaining from certain food, in order to be justified. Isn't it wonderful that we are considered righteous before God as long as we have faith in Christ? Now, back to my challenge for everyone: are you good or merely doing good? If you want to be good in God's sight, let's pray the following prayer.

Lord Jesus, I put my faith in You. I believe You as the Son of God, the Redeemer of all humankind, my Saviour, and Lord who was, and is and is to come. I confess to You all of my sins (tell God the sins you have done). Please forgive me of my sins. I thank You that You have forgiven my sins and cleansed me from all unrighteousness so that I am justified before Your Father in heaven. Please send Your Spirit to protect me from the evil one, and teach me how to lead a life which is pleasing to You. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Last words...
"Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness." (Genesis 15:6)
