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Questions Kids Ask About God

Issue # 21 Why does God love people?
Issue # 22 Did Jesus really live like me, or was He pretend?
Issue # 23 Why does Jesus want us to follow Him?
Issue # 24 How can God hear everyone's prayers at once?
Issue # 25 How do you get Jesus in your heart?
Issue # 26 Why do some people die before they are old?
Issue # 27 How can God be three persons and one person at the same time?
Issue # 28 Why do we pray?
Issue # 29 What is love?
Issue # 30 Why do we go to church if God is everywhere?
Issue # 31 How long is eternity?
Issue # 32 Why do you get mad at me if you have Jesus in your heart?
Issue # 33 Does God have friends or is He alone?
Issue # 34 Why do Christians get water baptized?
Issue # 35 How do we know God exist?
Issue # 36 When is Jesus coming back?
Issue # 37 What is sin?
Issue # 38 Why do we give money to the church every Sunday?
Issue # 39 Who ends up in hell?
Issue # 40 What is idolatry?

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