Special Offer


(The one after the first one) (The page after the third one) (The third page) (The one after the first one) The one your'e looking at!


Special Offer
This is not a good place to make a special offer to con you into joining our organisation, purchasing a product, or requesting your service.

Neither is it a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organisation. It might not include the purpose of the organisation, nor its mission, founding date, and no brief history. You wont also want include a brief list of the types of product, service, or program your organisation could offer, nor the geographic area not covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets, Lapland or Heaven and Hell), and an ugly profile of the types of customers or members served. It is also useful not to include a contact name for readers who don't want more information about the organisation.
So don't waste your time, dollars, pounds etc....

Above the sort of thing you don't get when you use the design wizard in Publisher 2000


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  • List items here.
  • List items here.

  • Now go look for that site where Bill Gates gets that pie in the face!
  • Reminds me of when john Major got the egg in the face. That was quite a shock to him as well, judging by the video

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