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Brad Linaweaver is the author of the award-winning novel MOON OF ICE, which has appeared in both hardback and paperback in America and has been published in England as well (the novella version is available in THE BEST ALTERNATE HISTORY STORIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY). He is also the author of THE LAND BEYOND SUMMER. He has sold about eighty short stories (half of which have been collected in CLOWNFACE). Some of these story sales have been to the magazines AMAZING, FANTASTIC, GALAXY and ARGOSY and some to the anthologies CONFEDERACY OF THE DEAD, THE ULTIMATE WEREWOLF, ELRIC--TALES OF THE WHITE WOLF, TALES FROM THE GREAT TURTLE, EXCALIBUR, Peter Straub's GHOSTS, DARK DESTINY, MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY, SUPERHEROES, PSYCHO-PATHS, ALTERNATE WARRIORS, WHEN THE BLACK LOTUS BLOOMS, WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN: ALTERNATE AMERICAS, ADVENTURES IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE, and GRAILS: VISITATIONS OF THE NIGHT.

Currently Available

ANARQUIA - a libertarian alternate history of the Spanish Civil War by Brad Linaweaver and J. Kent Hastings.

"Anarquia is incredible and wonderful!" - Ray Bradbury

"The most gonzo alternate history idea." - Harry Turtledove

Cover by Kelly Freas

Order your copy from www.senseofwonderpress.com

anarquia thumbnail

Brad publishes a pop culture magazine called MONDO CULT (Editor: Jessie Lilley, website: www.mondocult.com). Not only was issue #2 nominated for 4 Rando Hatton awards, but it also has Brad's exclusive and extensive interview with Traci Lords from Dragon*Con (that's her and Brad above - photo by Caran Wilbanks).

The Covers for just a few of Brad's Books

(click on any of the above to see a larger version
of each cover as well as purchasing information)

His non-fiction has appeared in a wide diversity of publications, including NATIONAL REVIEW, CHRONICLES, REASON, THE AGORIST QUARTERLY, FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, CULT MOVIES, WONDER, FILMFAX, FEMME FATALES and THE ATLANTA JOURNAL/CONSTITUTION. As an editor, he has co-edited WEIRD MENACE with movie producer Fred Olen Ray (click on Fred's name to go to his site, which is where you can also purchase a copy of WEIRD MENACE) and FREE SPACE with Dragon*Con's own Ed Kramer (click on the book title to read a review of FREE SPACE). He also did editorial work on the special Heinlein tribute issue of NEW LIBERTARIAN.

Some of Brad's media credits include an adaptation of two Poe stories for Horror House (which was subsequently broadcast on NPR) and original story credits on Fred Olen Ray's JACK-O and THE BRAIN LEECHES. Brad adapted A.E. Van Vogt's THE WEAPONS SHOP for the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company, and Brad's story, THE COMPETITOR, was adapted by Atlanta's own Bill Ritch and is currently available from the Atlanta Radio Theatre Company, along with Brad's own adaptation of Heinlein's THE MAN WHO TRAVELLED IN ELEPHANTS starring Harlan Ellison and introduced by Ray Bradbury! On the same program is Bill's adaptation of Brad's own Hollywood ghost story, A REAL BABE starring Brinke Stevens.

One of his screenwriting credits is for the script of the interactive movie, TERROR AT TATE MANOR. His story, HER MORBID DESIRES was adapted by producer Ed Plumb for the horror comedy anthology film, THE BONEYARD COLLECTION. Brad also wrote the original story for THE LOW BUDGET TIME MACHINE.


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Brad has also made cameo appearances in the feature films ATTACK OF THE SIXTY FOOT CENTERFOLD, CYBERZONE, POSSESSED BY THE NIGHT, MASSEUSE, and DARK SECRETS. And yes, he once did a scene with Kato Kaelin before he became America's most famous houseguest (Kato, not Brad).

And, of course, along with collaborator Dafydd ab Hugh, he is one-half of the creative force behind the best-selling DOOM novels . . .

(click on any of the above to see a larger version of each cover)

Giant floating heads that spit ball lightning!

Angry, red minotaurs!

Zombies, flying skulls with razor teeth, killer ghosts!

Alien brains riding robot spider-bodies . . .

This is the stuff of nightmare, and the core of the phenomenally successful video game from id Software that inspired many of today's most popular video gore fests.

When Pocket Books went into business with id to produce a series of science fiction novels based on DOOM, no one could have predicted the tremendous success that followed. Brad and his co-author, Dafydd, hit the best seller lists and were reviewed in USA TODAY and GENTLEMAN'S QUARTERLY, as well as the top gaming and computer magazines.

Linaweaver and ab Hugh took a plotless game with no characters and created heroes and heroines that spoke to the teenage audience of the game, as well as the science fiction readers who discovered the book independently of the game. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

The adventures of Corporal Flynn Taggart, U. S. Marine Corps, and his buds, fellow Marine Arlene, and Albert and Jill (as well as the other gutsy humans who refuse to surrender to hordes of alien monsters) make the DOOM books space opera for the nineties.

Beginning on the moons of Mars, moving to the wasteland that once was Earth, then back out to space, to the end of the solar system and then beyond to a galactic battleground . . . there's nothing more exciting than DOOM.

There were only four adventures and one movie with The Rock! Write to Pocket Books! Write to Id! Demand more novels! Keep the flame burning!

With original series star Richard Hatch (Captain Apollo), Brad Linaweaver has co-written three BATTLESTAR GALACTICA novels based on the original series. He is currently working with Richard on a new space epic, MAGELLAN. Richard Hatch is on the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA as Tom Zarek.
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Brad can be reached by email at blinaweaver@yahoo.com (just click on his email address to send him email) or via his voicemail at (310) 281-6739.

DOOM is a trademark of id Software, Inc. Pocket Books is a division of Simon & Schuster, the publishing operation of Viacom Inc.

Brad Linaweaver lives in Florida.


Click on the photo to the left to go the homepage of the designer of this webpage (that's him and Brad, of course, in the picture).
Click on the gorgeous lady to the right to go the homepage of actress Nikki Fritz (who used to host Brad's webpage, but now there's no need now that he's got one of his own). Nikki and Brad both appear in Ed Plumb's THE VAMPIRE HUNTER'S CLUB (info at www.bloodbyte.com).
Fred Olen Ray's Webpage link
And click on the film director to the left to go to Fred Olen Ray's RETROMEDIA page. Brad has worn many hats on Fred movies over the years. In additon to two story credits, he's done a lot of cameos (most frighteningly a helmsman on a terrorist submarine in RAPID ASSAULT), wrangling extras (such as the restaurant goers who flee from an escaped gorilla in MOM, CAN I KEEP HER?), unit publicist on a number of films (such as PROPHET where he interviewed the legendary Barbara Steele for FILMFAX: or his writeup for the unforgettable meeting of Brinke Stevens and J. J. North in HYBRID for FEMME FATALES), and even playing manager to young Vanessa Koman during her feature role for one of Fred's best films, KID WITCH aka LITTLE MISS MAGIC. Brad regularly reports on Fred in genre film magazines including his ownMONDO CULT. Brad has worked on ATTACK OF THE 60 FOOT CENTERFOLD, FUGITIVE RAGE, FUGITIVE MIND, MASSEUSE, 13 EROTIC GHOSTS, and BIKINI AIRWAYS.

Brad grew up reading Forry's FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND and SPACEMEN. He never dreamed that one day he'd be writing for FJA's new FM (before it was stolen by bad guys) and be a contributing editor on the new SPACEMEN (and Spacewomen), which was an annual treat from the good guys at CULT MOVIES! Along the way he wrote two stories inspired by Forry, "The Lon Chaney Factory" (which appeared in an anthology and FJA's MONSTERAMA) and "Wells of Wisdom" (FJA's suggested title for a story that appeared in GALAXY and was read on tape by Catherine Oxenberg). Best of all, he co-wrote WORLDS OF TOMORROW with Forry, a coffee-table book on classic sci-fi art that was cross promoted with the film, SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW. Click on Forry's head to see what Wikipedia has got to say about him, or learn a bit more about Forry and his movies by clicking here.

Click on the beautiful and multi-talented lady to the left to go to actress (and writer) Brinke Steven's My Space homepage.

Don't forget to check out the webpage of the talented actress, Leslie Culton, by clicking on her picture to the right (or click here for her bio).
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heinlein journal link
Brad is a controlling editor on Bill Patterson's THE HEINLEIN JOURNAL. Click on Robert Heinlein's picture to the left to go to THE HEINLEIN JOURNAL website.

See Brad's bio at the Dragon*Con website (click on the Dragon*Con graphic to the right):
Dragon*Con thumb

brad painting
See Brad in a reinterpretation of a classic Wally Wood SPACEMEN cover, along with Heinlein and Bradbury portraits Brad commissioned from Brilliant artist L.J. Dopp.

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