The Green-Eyed Monster
by Rebecca Immich

Disclaimer: All the characters from Remember WENN are copyright Rupert Holmes, AMC, etc.  Original stuff belongs to me.  No infringement is intended.


Jeff sat in the Green Room nursing down another cup of coffee. It was late and the station would be closing in another half-hour, but he didn't feel like going home. Not like he had a home to go to since Hilary refused to speak to him. Earlier this evening Mackie had offered to let him stay in his apartment when he went on tour in Hamlet. Mackie had claimed that he just needed an apartment sitter, but Jeff had caught the sympathetic glimmer in his eyes.

"Mackie," Jeff said, "I don't need any favors."

"Yes, you do," Mackie said seriously. "With what Hilary is going to put you through for the next who knows how long, you're going to need some good friends." He smiled and said, "I'm only going to be gone for a few weeks anyway."

Reluctantly Jeff agreed. He knew how unreasonable Hilary could be. "Okay, Mackie. But only while you're gone."

Jeff wrapped his hands around the coffee cup and stared into the murky depths. He had hoped that Hilary would be more understanding of his new marriage, but realistically he had expected nothing less. He would definitely be at the end of Hilary's barbs for a very long time.

He understood what she was going through. The day that he had left for London again his heart had been torn in two. The whole scene with the handcuffs was a memory he would always treasure, but hearing Hilary scream "Pumpppkkkkkiiiiiiiin!" after him made it a bittersweet moment. And when Pavla had confronted him with the information about Victor and told him that he had to marry her had been the most difficult decision he had ever made.

Hilary might be upset and angry at his idealism, but it wasn't just for himself. He wanted the world to be a safe place for his wife...and hopefully some day his children. Jeff sighed.

Betty slowly opened the door to the Green Room and quietly walked in. Jeff was sitting at the table staring into his coffee. "Um, Jeff?" she said.

He shifted his stare to the door. "Oh, hi Betty. Come on in. I'm just waiting for Mackie."

Betty stayed in the doorway and nervously shifted her weight. "I need to talk to you about something, Jeff."

"Sure. Anything to take my mind off of Hilary." He gestured towards the chair next to him. "Sit down."

Betty took the chair and sat down. "This probably isn't the best time to ask you with all your problems with Hilary and all, but I thought you would have the most experience. With your history and all."

Jeff was slightly confused. "What are you talking about, Betty? My history?"

Betty glanced down at the table. "Well, you've had some many problems with Hilary that I thought you'd be the best one to ask."

Jeff chuckled. "Now that is an understatement. What kind of problems are you having?"

"It's about Scott. When Victor pointed the gun at him, he said that he loved me. I'm so confused right now. I don't know what to think. I have always cared about Victor, but..." Betty stopped suddenly.

Jeff finished her sentence, saying, "Right now you're really confused about your feelings for both of them. I'm not exactly an expert on this kind of thing, but I think you should give yourself some time to sort this out in your head."

"Oh Jeff," Betty said, her voice breaking down. "That makes so much sense. Why couldn't I think of that?"

He leaned over and placed his arm around her shoulder. "Betty, you're involved in this situation. It's easier when you're on the outside. Are you going to be okay?"

The Green Room door snapped open. "Betty, have you seen my--" Hilary stopped short. She glared at the table. "What a touching tableau," she said sarcastically. "Jeffrey dear, you haven't even gotten rid of your new wife yet."

"Hilary," he began futilely, "this isn't what it seems to be."

After rummaging in a cupboard, Hilary had apparently found what she was looking for and was beginning to leave. Betty stood up, drying her remaining tears, and said, "Hilary, I had a problem. Jeff was just trying to help me."

"Help you do what?" Hilary retorted back. She had stopped halfway to the door with her back to the table.

"Hilary, I'm not the enemy. I'm just having some problems...with Scott and Victor." Betty gently placed her hand on Hilary's shoulder and guided her to the couch. "Jeff was just giving me some advice and I started to cry."

Hilary sat down on the couch and Betty settled down next to her. "I suppose you could probably give some advice too. Just don't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you." Betty looked up at Jeff. "That goes for you too. When Victor was going to shoot Scott, he said that he loved me. And right now I'm really confused about everything. I always have cared for Victor, but now..."

Hilary flashed Betty a smile of understanding. "Now this would be familiar territory for me. Those days when I was in "The Rivals" I had quite a few determined suitors..." Hilary drifted off, taking a long stroll down memory lane.

"Hilary," Jeff said, "perhaps you may want to focus on Betty's problem."

"Oh, yes. I suppose I should." Hilary looked over at Betty again. "Well, taking some time to reflect upon the situation usually worked for me. Until I met Jeff, of course. What a mistake..."

Before Hilary could launch into yet another tirade about Jeff, Betty quickly rose to her feet. "Thank you Hilary. And Jeff too. Perhaps you could take your own advice, both of you."

Betty slipped out of the Green Room silently, leaving the estranged couple inside to think about what she said.

The End


The Writer's Room | The Green Room