Spindizzy grinned and rolled over to the Grain, apologizing for sneezing it so far.
    "Not to worry," said the Grain, "I am accustomed to moist breezes here by the sea.
    "I must ask you a question," Spindizzy said. "How many grains of sand are there in the world?."
    "Oh, I can't tell you that," replied the Grain, "It's a secret."
    "But, I must know!" Spindizzy cried out. Then she continued, whispering, "It's very important." She tried very hard to look serious but suspected that she wasn't getting it quite right. She was sure she'd gotten it wrong when the Grain continued to refuse to answer. "All right then, I shall hold my breath until you tell me." Spindizzy became several rather pretty shades of blue while holding her breath, she even turned bright orange, just for fun, but the Grain would not tell her.

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