
Searches a number of bytes in a memory area. A hit is reported by the adress. The syntax is:

h Area Wildpattern

Wildpattern is similar to the fill command's pattern. It is a list of numbers, strings and '?' seperated by commata. The numbers can be up to 3 bytes long (byte, word and long). '?' has the meaning of any number. Hex, bin and oct numbers can also contain '?'.


h 1000 1100 f? ...searches for all bytes which upper nibble is $f.

This is not possible with dez as the seperate digits do not define clearly the used bits.


h e000 10000 "basic"

...searches for the string 'basic' (like in the c64 startup screen)

h 8000 9fa0 "ab",?,"d"

...searches for a byte sequence with the char 'a' as the first byte, 'b' as second and 'd' as fourth one. The third byte may have any value.

h 2300 2600 fff?

...searches for $ff00 bis $ffff.

h a000 c000 d,"ok",d,0

...searches for the string return, 'ok', return, which is terminated by a zero. (This is a message from the basic rom)


Strings can contain not only petascii-chars. Press a letter on the keyboard together with the Ctrl key. It appears inverted on the screen. Now DreaMon recognizes it as screencode.