What is this Stuff?
Earth-Based religion. Hmm, this sounds very interesting, and it is. Very simply put, Earth Religion recognizes that there exisits a Universal Energy afloat everywhere, at all times. Every object in existance taps into this energy and uses (absorbs) certain aspects to create a desired effect. For example - The gemstone Rose Quartz more readily absorbs love related energies. People are also filled with this energy. The question is, how to use this energy to create a desired effect. Very simply put, a Witch can distinguish between diferent energies and tap into the energies that will create the outcome that they would like. For example, a person who wishes to have more (or better) love, should acquire some Rose Quartz. By using this object two things can happen:
1) The acquired object can "share" its specialized energies with the Witch. By doing so, the Witch's energy level may increase in this area. IE: Rose Quartz may lend extra love energies to the Witch.
2) The Witch can learn how to manipulate their own energy or free Universal Energy to create the desired effect. IE: A Witch can study, use, and "communicate" with a piece of Rose Quartz, to eventually learn how to manipulate, absorb, or reflect love related energies the way that Rose Quartz does.
Every object, even inanimate objects, are "alive" with certain energies. They "specialize". Such as the known fact that copper is a good electrical conduit - the color green "conducts" wealth and prosperity.
Ok, so now what? Users of Witchcraft tap into these energies. Witches learn from Earth (and sometimes Celestrial) objects to open their body's to absorb and reflect certain energies. By lighting a green candle, surrounding it with Malachite, and sprinkling some Cloves on their altars, they share money attraction energies with these objects. Over many years a witch may be able to freely open energy channels without the aid of Earth-Based objects.
Lighting a candle? Sprinkling herbs? What do you mean? Simply put - Spells. Witches perform spells, such as the one described above. Spells are the rough equivalent of "prayers" in other religions. There are typically two important aspects to spells:
1) Spells are used to communicate with Gods, Goddesses, and Spirit Guides (if one has those beliefs). Scents, colors, textures, etc. are specific to certain Gods, Goddesses, and Spirit Guides. These items may be used during a spell to attract the desired "listener".
2) During a spell, the herbs, oils, candles, incense, gems, etc. on the altar can "transfer" or share their energies with the Witch. This will also help to create the desired effect in the Witch.
Whoa now - This is getting weird !!! No, not really. Witchcraft is a very positive, happy belief structure. It is written directly in our code to harm no one. Unlike Christianity, we have no Satan. There is absolutely no purely negative creature in our beliefs. We do not need to apologize for our past or present (so-called) sins, because we have not "inherited" any. There is nothing that our ancestors have done to require us to request for forgiveness. There is no "big white gate" that we need to try so hard to get through. We accept just about anyone into our belief structure. There is no in-born negativity. PERIOD.
Well then, what do you belive in? Many of us believe in multiple Gods and Goddesses, while some believe in none (they simply believe in Earth object energies). For those that believe in Gods and Goddesses, there are many - with each one specializing in a few certain "powers". By specializing, it makes them very efficient and very powerful. Others believe in Spirit Guides, which are "beings" from the astral planes. These Spirit Guides are just that - guides to help lead one through existance.
Witchcraft is usually performed outside in beautiful mother nature. Spells, rituals, and the like are performed on any day or night (because they are all sacred) - not just Sunday or Wednesday. Some of us belong to covens, which is a group of Witches that gather on full moons and Wiccan holidays to do rituals. Every once and a while you may run across a Witchcraft "sanctuary". In loose terms - this means a place where Witchcraft is regularly performed and where Witches may gather. This can be somewhat compared to a church, but a closer comparision would be Witch's Sacred Space or Circle. Again in very general terms, this simply means a locale "cleared" of harmful and/or negative energies and set for performing Magick. The beautiful part is that Sacred Space can be created ANYWHERE. So if a comparison must be made, a Witch's "church" is the Earth and the Universe.
We do not "preach". We do not "recruit". WE believe, and that is enough. you will not find us knocking on your door with booklets, nor will you find us trying to "convert" the unwilling. What you WILL find is unity, love, happiness, and a helping hand. If you have an honest desire to study Witchcraft, in any of its many forms, most all of us are more than willing to help. We are connected with a passionate love for the craft and for each other, even if we have never met. No where will you find stronger ties.
The fires have raged before. Now and forever we hold this in our hearts. With every heart beat our beliefs are reinforced. And with every heart beat, we know that we will never allow the fires to harm another again. We are the Wiccan Community. We are the Pagan Community. We are the Shamanic Community. We are the Druidic Community. We are Witchcraft. We are as one in family.