Frequently Asked Questions

By now you probably have quite a few questions running trough your head. Not that I can blame you. This can be a little confusing at times. I am very happy to answer anyone's question, please just refer to the FAQ below to see if your question has already been answered.

Is magick real??
Of course it is. I have seen, felt, and created very interesting effects from magick. It is very real indeed. Believe me Magick Happens.

Why do you add a K on to the end of magic??
In short, to differentiate what illusionists to from the real thing. Magick is th real thing. Magic is just stage tricks.

Why are you a Wicca??
Well quite simply is is because I don't feel the Christian religion is right for me. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, I just can't seem to enjoy being Christian.

How do you become a Wicca??
Everyone does this one a little differently. Some believe that training is required to be a Wicca. As for me it was a decision I made after long and careful thought, and alot of reading and studying on the subject. Before you do decide that this is what you want, make sure that is REALLY is something you believe in, not just some kind of passing fad. If you are not sure the feel free to ask, any Wicca would be glad to offer advice and help in the matter, all you have to do is ask one of us.

What are the rules??
There are two major rules that EVERY Wicca I know follows (except maybe one, but she is another problem). The first is "Do as you will, and harm none" in short live your life as you please as long as you harm no one. The other goes by a few different names: The ThreeFold Law, The Rule Of Threes, ect. The ThreeFold Law says that EVERYTHING you do in life, good OR bad, will come back to you times three. Other than that I just follow my own little code of honor and try to behave myself.

Ok..Say I decide to become a Wicca..can I tell people??
Well that depends..I don't really like to because there are alot of people I know that can't be trusted with that kind of info. And then there is the problem of non-believers. Some people don't believe that magick exists, that it is all just stage tricks and faked. Really it is all up to you.

What exactly is a Book of Shadows??
It is a Witch's Magickal journal. A spellbook, if you will. It contains spells, thoughts and things such as that. It is sort of our magickal journey through life. Remember this...always, and I mean ALWAYS, respect another Wiccan's Book of shadows. even if you are not a Wicca yourself. To us, these books are very important. DO NOT EVER tear up another's Book of Shadows.

Question still not answered?? Well then leave a message in my forum. Either I or someone else who knows will answer. Check back often.

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