Geordi La Forge
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Born 2335.

Geordi La Forge was born with a birth defect which rendered him blind. Both his Parents were Starfleet officers and this resulted in him travelling alot. It was no surprise that Geordi followed in their footsteps and chooses a career in Starfleet. This wouldn't have been possible though without his visor. Geordi received his first visor during his late childhood.

In 2353 Geordi enters Starfleet Academy .

After graduating his first job was as a pilot on the Jovian Run. This is a shuttle run from Jupiter to Saturn and back each day. It's on the Jovian Run where La Forge first meets and impresses Captain Jean Luc Picard. Picard was on an inspection tour and while in Geordi's shuttle Picard made a remark about the shuttles engine efficiency not being up to scratch. Hearing this Geordi stayed up ALL night to remedy the inefficient shuttle. When Picard finds out about what Geordi did he decides that he wants La Forge on his next command.

Geordi's next posting is on board the USS Victory. In 2362 two years later, on the recommendation of Captain Picard Starfleet assigns Geordi to the USS Enterprise. (Click here for a Picture) The Federations new Flagship. His initial post was Navigator at the Conn Station. Just under a year into his tour of duty La Forge is promoted to full Lt and the position of Chief Engineer. This new job takes Geordi away from the bridge and he spends the bulk of his time in Main Engineering (which is located on Deck 36 of the Star drive section of the Enterprise ).

In 2366 his services to the Enterprise and her crew are rewarded even further when he is promoted once again. This time to a Lt Commander.

During his time on the Enterprise Geordi makes many friends. He can often be found playing poker with Commander Riker, Dr Crusher, Worf, Diana Troi, Chief O'Brien, Wesley Crusher and Data. Along with Data, Geordi enjoys spending time on the holodeck replaying Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Geordi plays the role of Dr Watson while Data takes the lead role of Sherlock. Once on the holodeck Geordi made a near fatal mistake that nearly caused the destruction of the ship. In an attempt to create a worthy opponent for Sherlock Holmes Geordi asked the computer to create an adversary capable of defeating "DATA". In doing this the Computer created a self aware holodeck character that went on to take over the ship, all from the confines of the holodeck. All this just because Geordi said "Computer create an adversary capable of defeating Data" instead of "Computer create an adversary capable of defeating Sherlock Holmes". Luckily the situation was resolved and no one was killed. Data is without a doubt Geordi's best friend on the Enterprise and vice versa. (To see a Picture of Geordi and Data as Watson and Holmes, CLICK HERE)

One of Geordi's stranger friends is a Borg (yes a Borg) called Hugh (Click here for a Picture of Hugh). Hugh was the soul survivor of a crashed Borg scout vessel and rescued by the Enterprise crew. The plan was to try and use him in some way to bring down the Borg. But as he spent more and more time with the Enterprise crew 3rd of 5 (as he was first know became more and more and individual. Eventually requesting a name and referring to himself as I Instead of WE. Geordi spent allot of time with the Borg and helped to choose his name along with Dr Crusher.

In 2372 Geordi is transferred to the USS Enterprise E following the destruction of her predecessor. (Click here for a Picture of the Enterprise E)