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Pavel Chekov

Pavel Checkov

Starfleet Serial No# 656-5827B

Chekov was born in 2245. And enters Starfleet Academy at the age of 18 in 2263. In 2266 Chekov serves on the Enterprise as a field assignment, a sort of work experience period.

In 2267 he graduates from the Academy and is assigned to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. He takes great pride in his Russian heritage. The purpose of the posting is to gain experience and knowledge. His main duty is navigation officer.

In 2271 Chekov has been promoted to Chief of Security. The Enterprise at this stage is commanded by William Decker.

In 2285 Chekov is now a commander and been promoted to First Officer of the USS Reliant. And is undertaking the task of locating a lifeless planet to test fire the Genesis device. But before this happens the Reliant is hijacked by Khan. He's able to do this by inserting the Seti eel in the heads of Chekov and Captain Terrel. This renders them unable to refuse Khans orders.

After Chekov is free from the Seti eel and Khan has destroyed the Reliant Chekov is once again assigned to the Enterprise. Later in the same year (2285) Chekov helps Kirk steal the now decommissioned Enterprise, so along with McCoy, Sulu and Scotty they go in search of Spock.

In 2286 along with the rest of the Enterprise bridge crew including the newly regenerated Spock, choose to return to Earth and face trial for stealing the Enterprise and its subsequent destruction. But on their return they discover that Earth is sending out a universal distress call warning everyone to stay away from Earth. The crew are forced to return back in time to the year 1986.

While back in the 20th century Chekov is critically injured while trying to escape from a security team on an aircraft carrier (ironically called the Enterprise). Dr McCoy tells Kirk that they can't allow 20th century medicine to attempt to repair the damage to Chekov's brain. McCoy, Kirk and, a new ally Gillian Taylor gain access to the security wing of a hospital and arrive seconds before surgeons are going to drill holes in Chekov's head. McCoy save Chekov and after returning to their own time the Enterprise crew Stand trial.

In 22?? Chekov was present at the launch of the New Excelsior class Starship, also the next Enterprise vessel. The USS Enterprise NCC 1701B. While on its maiden voyage the Enterprise B received a distress call and being the only ship in range was forced to reply, despite only having an in-experienced Captain, a skeleton crew and half its systems installed. One thing in their favour is that also on board are Chekov, Scotty and Captain Kirk. The distress call is answered and several passenger are rescued. But at the loss of Captain Kirk. Or so History recalls.