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Lt Uhura

Lieutenant Uhura is a very talented officer who is in charge of all onboard and ship-to-ship communications during Cpt Kirk's first 5-year mission on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701.

Uhura was born in the United States of Africa on Earth in 2239. She joined Starfleet Academy in 2257 and graduated in 2261.

She speaks Swahili as easily as she does English, and when the Melkots communicate telepathically with the Enterprise crew, she 'hears' them in Swahili. Her quarters are decorated with African artifacts including urns and statues; she has Egyptian-style furniture and a zebra skin throw on her bed. When an illusory Abraham Lincoln refers to her as a 'negress Uhura tells him that she considers racial insults to be both offensive and outmoded.

Uhura's talents are not limited to communications; aboard the Enterprise she has been known to take both the navigator's and science officer's stations. She is also an occasional member of landing parties.

Uhura is more than capable of taking care of; herself, as she demonstrates when she is trapped in the Mirror Universe. She succeeds in passing herself off as her brutal counterpart, and is able to manipulate the Mirror SuIu and defeat Marlene in hand-to-hand combat. When a landing party is captured by the Providers of Triskellion, Uhura is confident enough to take on two opponents at once, although they do defeat her.

Uhura's deepest fears appear to be related to the onset of old age. She is clearly tempted by Harry Mudd's offer of eternal beauty in an android body.

Uhura has a closer relationship with many of her fellow officers on the Enterprise. She embraces Christine Chapel when she learns that Chapel's fiancee, Roger Korby, is still alive; she is deeply distressed when it appears that Captain Kirk has been killed aboard the USS Defiant NCC-1764. And, later in her career, she appears extremely close to Chief Engineer Scott; in 2287, the two officers even plan to take leave together. Uhura has a strong sense of humour, and off duty enjoys teasing her crew-mates, including Mr. Spock.