

.::My Story::.




.::The Anorexic Mind::.

.::Web Boards::.





.::First Aid::.

.::Feeling Suicidal?::.

.::Messing About::.


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 _ .::messing about::.


Here is my page for messing about (pretty self-explanatory huh?!).....it is my page for wasting time whether you are just bored or want to put off that assignment due in tomorrow (I accept no responsibility for late homework) or if you are feeling bad and need to distract yourself. These are only silly little things that I found about the place, if you really want to waste time go to Neopets, the ultimate time waster, which is also a little addictive unfortunately! See my links page for more places (although I think I really need to update my links page!!)

Christian Stuff

Okay not technically messing about. Includes a Bible search, a daily Bible Verse, a daily Promise, a daily Psalm, a daily Proverb and a daily devotional. 

Age Finder

This script will tell you how many days, hours, minutes, and seconds old you are and how long it is until your next birthday! Party!

Dog years

How old are you in dog years? I'm 133. Fascinating....


This will tell you what day you were born on. Of course you have always wanted to know that! I was born on a Tuesday by the way.

Ask Mustafa

Quite ridiculous. Basically it's the bloke from Austin Powers, and you....ask him questions. Hint: ask three times. Apparently.


Actually quite hard. I played twice and the computer went and beat me both times! How rude!!! But then again, I'm not very good! Still, I'm sure it cheats.....yes, I'm a bad loser ;)


Score 21. If you get higher than the dealer without going over, you win (yay!). I found it quite addictive but I can get addicted to almost anything!

Body Mass Indicator

Yes, this is on the messing about page because it's not very important! Just put in your weight (in pounds) and your height (feet and inches) and it will tell you if you are: "desirable", "underweight", or "obese". Yes indeed. It will also give you the exact figure for your Body Mass Indicator (BMI), which may or may not be more helpful to know!

Box Puzzle

One of those annoying slidy things. Make sure to use the ARROW KEYS to slide the numbers, NOT the mouse. I tried to use the mouse after reading twice that I needed to use my arrow keys. Duh!!

Buzz Words

A bit ridiculous to be honest. You put in a word, any word, and it puts it in a sentence. Make sure to click "Buzz" rather than pressing enter, otherwise the page just refreshes.


Perhaps one of the most pointless things on this page (and that's saying something!). See how many boxes you can tick/check within 20 seconds

Flip a Coin

Some suggestions: Heads (the English coin)- Carry on messing about, Tails (the Canadian coin) - do that important piece of work..........or.........Heads: Don't hurt yourself, Tails: Don't hurt yourself. Ha, I win.


Um....find the matching pairs. Cute pictures

Maths "Game"

Yeah, well, I love maths. I'm majoring in it at university even! A little bit annoying because you have to keep clicking "submit" rather than pressing enter.

Memory Game

Can you remember the face? Simply follow the instructions given :)

Fibonacci Sequence

My favourite sequence. Enter the number of terms you would like to see (don't put in a huge number or it will take forever!)

Guess the Number

Guess the number within a range that you get to pick!

How long

This will tell you how long there is until a date you choose, or how long it has been since that date. Useful for seeing how long there is left until you have to hand in that piece of work you are avoiding. Pity it doesn't give you a time in seconds then ;) Or, even more importantly, how many days until Christmas? NB: the format for entering the date is English - the day first, then the month, then the year.

Insight Generator

If you need to say something profound, look no further! I promise you it doesn't take you to my home page!! Hehe

Love Calculator

Put a name in each box to calculate the "love compatibility" between two people. A bit ridiculous but oh well. You can put in just first names, or whatever you want.

Mad Cows

Crazy....basically three cows having a conversation as you run your mouse their pictures! Bizarre

Mind Reader

Guesses the number you thought of (between 1 and 63)


Cute little game where you try to raise your little virtual Pikachu!

Typing Test

A small little typing test. The only problem is that you have to click the "done" button rather than pressing enter (which refreshes the page), which detracts from your typing speed!