to Bal's Page, This web page will constantly be being changed. So I think... (Ahh, who am I kidding?) With everything being geared toward the internet I figured I would add myself onto the web by creating my own website as well. I more or less wanted to use this as a website that I could fool around with things and learn more about applets and such (if I found the time). As I work on this, in time I should have this up and running fine as far as I'm concerned. You might be wondering, "What's up with the pineapple patch?", but that goes back to highschool when people called me and my brother pineapple because they thought we grew pineapples in the Philippines. Having grown up in Canada since I was two, I would consider myself a true Canadian because "I AM". I don't think you could be without enjoying the enjoyable flavour of a Molson Canadian. If I'm not sitting and enjoying a cold crisp Molson, I would be enjoying a nice kool Kokanee brewed in the Kootenays.