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City Harvest Church Singapore

That's our logo!


Mission Statement

"A Church with a strong spiritual atmosphere of faith and purity, where every member is released into ministry, discipled in the Great Commandment to obey the Great Commission"




  Pastor Kong

City Harvest Church started with a group of 20 youths led by Pastor Kong Hee in 1989. In the early days, the church held its services in rented convention halls and hotel function rooms, moving from place to place. That is, until June 1995, when it moved into its present location, formerly a cinema theatre, in the eastern part of Singapore.



It has now grown to an attendance of 5000 in the first part of 1998! Through the years the church has started a bookstore and a Bible school - City Harvest Bible Training Centre. And soon the church will have her very own building when it is completed in the year 2000 (the cinema theatre is rented, not owned).


Pastor Sun, worship leader



Every Saturday and Sunday, there are 3 Youth and 2 Adult services, 5 Children's Church services, 1 Mandarin service, 1 Outreach service (Cantonese and Hokkien) and 1 special service for the intellectually disabled (Jesus for All Minds - JAMs).

Praise and worship

And every year, we have international speakers to conduct seminars and to minister. Speakers like Pst. Mike Connell, Rev. Phil Pringle, Rev. Charles Nieman, Rev. Bill Wilson, Dr. John Avanzini and many more.


.... Charles Nieman
.... Phil Pringle
Peter Youngren

Mike Connell


Cell Group

Being in a cell group is the most exciting part of being a christian (to us at least)! Every week there'll be cell group meetings where we'll have games, praise and worship, and the preaching of God's Word by the cell group leader. But what makes it all so special is the people. Cell group members who grow with you and will stand by you no matter what.

All City Harvest church members belong to a cell group in one of four Districts - North, South, East and West. So E16 and E55 are from the (you guessed it!) East District.



More Info

For more info on the church, check out the church's website Alternatively, you can contact the church at:

Raffles City P.O. Box 0625, S(911721), Singapore. 'Tel:(65).440.7477 Fax:(65).440.0608






City Harvest Church, Singapore

Christian City Church Pastor Phil Pringle's church in Oxford Falls, Australia.

Word of Life Church Pastor Ulf Ekman's church in Uppsala, Sweden.

Christian Men's Network Dr. Ed Cole's ministry on the 'net.

John Avanzini Ministries God wants you to prosper financially!

Roberts Liardon Ministries Pastor Roberts' prophetic ministry.

Peter Youngren Ministries Pastor Peter Youngren's World Impact Ministries.

The Happy Hunters! Charles and Frances Hunter's happy website!

Antioch Directory of local churches, upcoming events, etc.

Go to the Links page for more links!




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