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We make the analysis and forecasting of the situation on the basis of the "information", which is contained in an explanatory note, questionnaire, fax, business - schedule, contract and other sources. The analysis and forecasting on the basis of audio and video materials is also possible. The outcome of the analysis is granted to the customer in a graphic form with explanations.

In “Ekton” system we use the following things for information processing:

Special complex of physical and electronic devices, and unique abilities of our experts. (The details of “Ekton” system is our KNOW-HOW).

About the scientific aspects of “Ecton” system look in section

Scientific principles of “Ecton” system.

“Ekton” system analyses your situation using five directions:

Represents the decomposition of the situation, interesting for you, on 7 parameters, which describe the situation as a whole for the present moment.


In a figure the chart of a situation is shown. The chart satisfies the conditions of realization. I.e. the person will execute successfully the thing he/she planned.

The deviation of one or several parameters from the model results in different difficulties in implementation of the plan.

According to the technique of the timing analysis the time moment is determined. From this very moment the development of forecasting situation starts. And then the situation’s development is watched continuously in a preset temporary period. Assigned temporary period can last from one month to several years.


In a figure the chart of temporary development of a situation is shown. The situation starts its development at 08.12.98ã. and terminates at 01.03.99ã.

The point of selection is a moment in time, in which a man can make the selection and route the development of a situation to another direction.


It is possible to influence the situation just in the Point of Selection. Between the points of selection the situation develops in accordance with a “certain” law, chosen in a forthcoming Point of Selection.

Òâ.1 – favorable (because the chart Òâ.1 is balanced)

Òâ.2 - unfavorable (because the chart contains just only one constituent part)


The analysis determines the making a decision at a Point of selection on following parameters:

  • 1. Comprehension of a situation

    2. Resoluteness

    3. Formulation of a problem

    4. Behaviour

    5. Communication, contacts

    6. Emotional condition

    7. Effect of affections

    8. System approach

  • Example:


    It is shown in a figure, that the selection of a further path of development will be based on customary behaviour of the person (ò.4 on the chart). The character of this behaviour will be reflected in a qualitative analysis.

    The practice has shown, that the most optimal motivation at decision making in a Point of selection is system approach (parameter ¹8)

    This analysis allows to determine the cycles of activity (change of the status) from the point of the person himself during all of his life. Activity is understood as a degree of interaction of the person with a surrounding world in all its diversity. Thus, long before interesting term it is possible to speak about increase, preservation or reduction of activity (status) of the person. For realisation of this kind of the analysis video and photo is enough.

    We have acquainted you with the fundamentals of “Ekton” system.

    For fulfilment of the forecast on your situation we shall set up the operational procedure.



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