in Russian


For the solving of your "problem" it is necessary to define a System of forecasting, which sets the initial conditions.

"Initial conditions" are your supposed actions, terms of performance, participating people, corporations … (It is possible not to indicated the names and surnames, titles of corporations, and instead of them you can put indexes X, Y, Z). "Initial conditions" set parameters of investigated "System" and determine a subject of the analysis.

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Your "problem" creates the "System" on which different objective and subjective factors influence.

"System" is you and your relationship with the partners, environment …

Let's consider how “Ekton” system works using a simple example:

You want to purchase a building and to open a furniture shop …

  • In this case we need to know, what you want to forecast? Whether there will be you the proprietor or not? Whether your shop will work as a "furniture" shop? Therefore we have divided the "problem" into two components, which represent different "Systems" of forecasting. Having purchased a building and becoming the proprietor, you make a decision at one moment - to sell this building. And in this case you would not organize a "furniture" shop.
  • If you will give a task to forecast the opening of "furniture" shop, it should not mean exactly, that you become the proprietor of the building.

    Thus if you want to forecast both cases (acquisition of the building as the property and opening of the shop), you should understand, that the forecasting will be complex and it will reflect the solving of two problems jointly.

    You will get to know further what for we discuss the co-ordination of initial conditions in detail.

    And so, you give a task: to analyse and to forecast the decision of purchasing the building and opening a "furniture" shop. We could mention the terms when it will happen or not, the day of making the decisions (Points of Selection), the reasons (quality of parameters) why this event would not happen. You should write on a pure sheet of a paper a single phrase: “ I buy a building and I open a " furniture " shop”, - with affirmative motivation. You must not ask us ("Shall I open a "furniture" shop?). This phrase you in the last place. Before that it is necessary to execute following actions:

    It is necessary to you to concentrate on the present problem and to imagine those actions, which you plan to undertake at purchasing the building and opening a "furniture" shop. It can be the following moments:

    à) Meeting with the seller of the building

    b) Agreement about the price

    c) Checking the documents confirming the property right

    d) Concluding a sales-purchase contract

    e) Receiving the credit in a bank for payment the purchase

    f) Making the documents on property right in Registration Chamber.

    g) Carrying out repairs in the building


    Right at the end you "imagine", that you purchase a building and open a “furniture” shop, as you want to “see” it. And after that you write a phrase on a sheet of paper: " I buy a building and I open a " furniture "shop". Then you put the signature. This phrase for us will be the "key" for entering a “System”. You mentally fix your actions, set the initial conditions. It determines " a System of forecasting which includes the opening of the "furniture" shop and acquisition of a building as the property.

    Then the expert "analyse and processes the information ", contained in the given note. With the help of a complete set of the electronic equipment our expert receives a computer listing in a graphic presentation.


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