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Echinacea pallida : ASTERACEAE, (Pale Coneflower). 3' plants with reflexing lavender ray flowers and a large central cone like the more familiar purple coneflower. Flowers in summer. Midwestern US to LA, AL, and GA. Zones 4-8.

Echinacea paradoxa : ASTERACEAE, (Yellow Coneflower). 3' plants with yellow ray flowers and a large central cone like the more familiar purple coneflower. Zones 5-9.

Echinacea purpurea, (Purple Coneflower). To 3'. Drought tolerant American native. Pale purple, cone-shaped, orange centered flowers during the summer months, occasionally until frost. Requires good drainage and ample sun, and a neutral to alkaline soil - excessively acid soils or those with poor drainage may be fatal. Zones 4-9.

Emilia javanica : ASTERACEAE, (Flora's Paintbrush, Tassel Flower). Bright red flowers on this annual are like paintbrushes. Wiry stems hold them aloft for butterflies to enjoy - a favorite of Gulf Fritillary and Cloudless Sulfur butterflies. Seeds about readily; seeds germinate quickly in warm weather. Will reseed in many areas, but save a few seeds just in case. An orange form exists, also. (Image / JPEG / 305x215 pixels / 18KB)

Eomecon chionantha : PAPAVERACEAE, (Snow Poppy). Rhizomatous perennial, a relative of Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Grown for its white flowers in spring, and its 6" rounded (cordate) leaves. Height about 18 inches. Give a rich, moist soil in half to full shade. Eastern China. Zones 7-9.

Erigeron 'Profusion' :ASTERACEAE, (Profusion Daisy Fleabane) is a great, spreading plant suitable for groundcover, with small white-changing-to-pink daisies, and a fine texture not unlike Mexican heather. Grows 6-12" tall and about 18" wide; for full sun and well-drained soils; flowers all summer.

Eriocaulon decangulare : ERIOCAULACEAE, (Pipewort, Hard-Heads). Bog-dweller with rushlike basal leaves. Flowers are small (½") balls of bright white, quite hard to the touch. Has grown well here in containers on the nursery, and in ordinary garden soil. Full sun is best. Native from NJ to FL to TX, along the coast. Our plants nursery grown from stock growing near Picayune, MS. Limited availability.

Eryngium yuccifolium: ASTERACEAE, (Rattlesnake Master, Button Snakeroot). Beautiful native with glaucous blue gray, sword-shaped, clasping foliage, a bit spiny, but not rude. Flowers are balls of white on stout stems to 5'. Unquestionably hardy, drought tolerant, and a tough plant, for tough times or good. (Image / JPEG / 466x399 pixels / 58KB)

Erythrina crista-galli : FABACEAE, (Fireman's Hat, Crybaby Tree). This plant, with its fireman's hat-shaped brilliant red blossoms, can be herbaceous here, but makes a small to medium-sized tree in New Orleans. Blooms profusely on the current year's growth here. Height here is 10-12 feet and as wide, in bloom by June. Zone 7b-10.

Erythrina herbacea, (Coral Bean). This native legume offers bright red tubular flowers in early summer that attract hummingbirds. Interesting foliage and coral-red seed in split, black pods which persist, sometimes through nearly until the next flowering. Height to 6'; bushy if sheared after flowering. The underground root may get quite large, offering drought resistance to this plant's attributes. Mulch well the first winter. Zones 7-10. May take two or more years for our seedling plants to bloom. (Image / JPEG / 600x400 pixels / 46KB)

Eucomis autumnalis : LILIACEAE, (Pineapple Lily). Bulbous plant from South Africa with spikes of greenish white flowers in late summer. The spikes are topped with pineapple-like bracts. Height 12-20". Zones 8-11.

Eupatorium fistulosum : ASTERACEAE, (Hollow Joe Pye Weed). Tall grower (6-10', depending on soil moisture) with large pinkish mauve heads in late summer. Hollow stems. For moist to wet soils in sun or partial shade. May be sheared once in early summer to promote compactness. Our plants from locally collected seed. (Image / JPEG / 400x416 pixels / 57KB)

Eupatorium maculatum, (Joe Pye Weed). Tall grower (6-10', depending on soil moisture) with large dusky pink heads in late summer. For moist to wet soils in sun or partial shade.

Eupatorium perfoliatum, (Boneset). Interesting leaves, appearing as one long, fuzzy leaf with a stem through the middle. White froth of flowers in late summer. Hardy native.

Eupatorium rotundifolium, (Round-Leaved Thoroughwort). White fuzzies in fall on 5' stems. Rounded leaves are attractive. Native plant good in the wild garden.

Flower Farm
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This page most recently updated March 16, 2000.

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