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Selected Groups of Perennials:

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Talinum paniculatum : PORTULACACEAE, (Jewels of Opar, Pink Baby-Breath). Charming semi-succulent plants with broad basal leaves and stalks of scarcely noticeable pink flowers, followed quickly by 1/8" balls of iridescent red-purple.

Tecoma Garrocha : BIGNONIACEAE, (Salmon Trumpet Bush). Shrub grown here as a perennial. 4-foot bushy plants with salmon-orange trumpets in summer. Argentina. Zones 8-11.

Tecoma stans, (Yellowbells). Shrub to 20 feet, grown here as a perennial, where it reaches 5 to 6 feet tall in a season. Bright yellow trumpets from racemes near the top of the plant, in summer and fall. The broad, pinnate leaves are light green and attractive. Native from FL and Mexico, to South America. Zones 8b-11.

Tecomaria capensis : BIGNONIACEAE, (Cape Honeysuckle). Bright orange-scarlet trumpets form at the branch tips of this tender shrub constantly. Pinnate leaves; height 6'; full sun. Hardy to 25°F or so; herbaceous here, usually not perennial. Zones 9-11.

Tecomaria capensis 'Aurantiaca'. Orange flowers. This came to us listed as 'Aurea', but is not golden yellow.

Tecomaria capensis 'Buffy'. Dark orange.

Tecomaria capensis 'Lutea'. Bright yellow flowers; good bloomer. (Image / JPEG / 419x437 pixels / 55.4KB)

Teucrium Scorodonia 'Crispum' : LAMIACEAE, (Wood Sage). Rhizomatous dwarf shrub, to one foot tall. Leaves "crisped" much like parsley. Europe. Zones 5-8.

Thalia dealbata 'Indian River Source' : MARANTACEAE, (Powdery Thalia). Aquatic or marsh-loving native with powdery blue-gray leaves, very canna-like. Rhizomatous perennial. Flowers lavender blue, held well above the leaves, in summer. Height of leaves is about 4 ft.; flowers are held 2-3 ft. above the leaves. Selection by the USDA NRCS in Coffeeville, MS. from the Mississippi "Delta" region. Tolerates water depths to 1.5 feet during the growing season. Keep moist for best growth; bog optional. Native along the coastal plain from SC to TX; also in OK and MO. Zones 7-10. (Image / JPEG / 427x563 pixels / 41.8KB)

Thelypteris Torresiana : POLYPODIACEAE, (Maureen O'Hara Fern). Beautiful, feathery fern with large, triangular fronds. Height 4-6 ft. Sun-tolerant. Invasive by running root. Native range unknown. (Image / JPEG / 464x307 pixels / 37.4KB)

Thunbergia Battiscombei : ACANTHACEAE, (Blue Thunbergia). Deciduous perennial/vine with axillary racemes of large (3") dark blue flowers having a yellow throat; blooms all summer. Climbs or sprawls to 5' or more; good groundcover. Hardy here. Zones 8-11. (Image / JPEG / 498x420 pixels / 52KB)

Thunbergia erecta, (King's Mantle). Four to six foot shrub with dark green, glossy leaves and an urpight habit. The 3-inch solitary flowers are blue with a yellow throat; flowers are produced summer to fall. Tropical Africa. Hardiness untested here. Zones 9-11.

Tibouchina Urvilleana : MELASTOMATACEAE, (Glory Bush). Tender shrub to 5' or more, with 4" royal purple flowers. Zones 8b-10; usually hardy here. (Image / JPEG / 448x400 pixels / 39KB)

Tovara virginiana : POLYGONACEAE, (Jumpseed). Broad leaves boast a chevron of dark green. Thin spikes of red flowers are interesting and attractive; red seeds follow. Performs well in shade. Height 1' for the leaves; flowering stalks add another foot to the height. Rhizomatous. Southeastern U.S.; Zones 6-9.

Tradescantia x andersoniana 'Red Cloud' : COMMELINACEAE, (Red Spiderwort). Reddish purple flowers amid grassy foliage in spring. About 18" tall. Zones 6-9. (Image / JPEG / 447x407 pixels / 40KB)

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Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)

Toad Lilies (Tricyrtis species) are very useful shade plants from the Orient. Though their common name is not attractive, we find the plants delightful. They offer good, shiny foliage, and interesting flowers. Their late summer bloom time is an asset. Most varieties are totally noninvasive, providing slowly increasing clumps. Hot sun will burn the foliage. Adequate moisture should be provided in summer - these plants are NOT at their best in dry shade.

Tricyrtis dilatata : LILIACEAE, (Round Leaf Toad Lily). White flowers, heavily spotted with maroon-purple in late summer. Leaves 3", rounded. Height 24"; for shady areas. Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis formosana, (Formosa Toad Lily). Lavender-purple flowers, spotted dark purple to maroon. Height about 30". A stately, upright perennial for shade. Taiwan. Zones 6-9. (Image / JPEG / 480x468 pixels / 47KB)

Tricyrtis formosana var. stolonifera. Short-stoloniferous plants with lavender flowers, spotted dark purple. Height 24". Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis hirta, (Toad Lily). 2-3' hairy perennial for shade, with interesting orchidlike white flowers, spotted with purple. This has the largest flowers of the Tricyrtis we offer, and has the added distinction of having flowers in each leaf axil, as well as terminal; the arching branches display the flowers well. Japan. Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis hirta 'Miyazaki' is more compact than Tricyrtis hirta; white flowers, spotted with purple.Seed grown perennial for shade. Excellent performer here. Height 12-18". Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis hirta 'Variegata'. Leaves with a thin margin of chartreuse. Flowers white, spotted with purple. (Image / JPEG / 592x538 pixels / 66.2KB)

Tricyrtis 'Kohaku'. Flowers lavender, lightly spotted with purple. Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis maculata (T. pilosa). Lightly spotted leaves. Flowers violet spotted with white; 18". Zones 6-9. (Image / JPEG / 562x397 pixels / 33.4KB)

Tricyrtis 'Seriyu'. (Seriyu Toad Lily). Blue flowers, very lightly spotted with purple; low growing (15"). Formerly offered as T. Hatotogisa). Zones 6-9.

Tricyrtis x 'Sinonome'. Late bloomer. Pale lavender flowers, with large magenta spots. (Image / JPEG / 417x414 pixels / 36.9KB)

Tulbaghia violacea : AMARYLLIDACEAE, (Society Garlic). Lilac flowers in umbels, like a slender agapanthus. Height to 2'. (Image / JPEG / 420x487 pixels / 56KB)

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Verbascum Chaixii : SCROPHULARIACEAE, (Chaix Mullein). Short lived perennial to 3'. Flowers yellow with purple filaments, in a narrow spike in summer. Pebbly basal foliage in a rosette. Sun and good drainage. Zones 5-8. (Image / JPEG / 540x496 pixels / 39KB)

Verbena Bonariensis : VERBENACEAE, (Vervain). Excellent cut flower. Plants grow 4 to 5 feet tall, branched from the base. Flowers from late spring to frost. Easily grown as an annual.

Verbena rigida, (Vervain). Purple spikes of flowers in spring and early summer, with additional bloom through summer and fall. Rhizomatous. Leaves very rough to the touch, one inch wide by 3" long. Drought tolerant; tolerant of poor soils. South America; naturalized in southeastern U.S.; Zones 7-11.

Verbena rigida 'Lilacina', (Lilac Vervain). Like the preceding, but with lilac flowers instead of purple.

Verbena tenuisecta (Moss Verbena). Ferny foliage with purple flowers. Familiar roadside plant of the pinelands. Sun and good drainage. South America. Zones 7-11. (Image / JPEG / 622x384 pixels / 56KB)

Verbena tenuisecta 'Alba'. Bright white flowers.

Verbena tenuisecta 'Sandy Hook Pink'. Fine pink flowered form found at Sandy Hook, Mississippi.

Vernonia altissima : ASTERACEAE, (Ironweed). Excellent tall native perennial for the late summer border. Purple flowers on 6-8' stems; may be sheared in early summer for compactness. Good foliage is light green, to 10" long. Prefers moist to wet soils. Eastern U.S.; Zones 5-9.

Veronica 'Blue Charm' : SCROPHULARIACEAE, (Speedwell). 2 ½' plant produce spikes of light blue flowers after midsummer. Excellent cut flower. Beautiful glossy wide leaves. Zones 4-9. (Image / JPEG / 443x480 pixels / 49KB)

Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue', (Sunny Border Blue Speedwell). Rippled leaves under spikes of deep blue flowers after midsummer. 2' tall. Zones 4-9. (Image / JPEG / 540x445 pixels / 36KB)

Veronicastrum sibiricum : SCROPHULARIACEAE, (Siberian Culver's Root). Like the following, but not native, with broader leaves and flowers with a pinkish tinge. Zones 4-9.

Veronicastrum virginicum. 6' version of the above. Native. Tall and beautiful, with whorled leaves and graceful slender flower spikes of white. Much under used. Takes several years to mature. Shade best. Zones 5-9.

Viminaria denudata : FABACEAE, (Golden Spray). Leafless mass of thin branches, very upright in habit to 5 feet or more. Flowers pea-like, yellow; flowers not yet produced here. Provide plenty of soil moisture. Australia. Zones 8-11.

Vinca major 'Variegata' : APOCYNACEAE, (Variegated Bigleaf Periwinkle). Variegated leaves of yellowish white and green. Blue spring flowers. Trailing evergreen groundcover. Zones 7-11. (Image / JPEG / 429x292 pixels / 32.8KB)

Vinca minor, (Perennial Periwinkle; Myrtle). One inch, shiny green leaves and blue spring flowers. Good groundcover for shade. Height less than 4". The effect is much like a controlled Asian Jasmine, with the bonus of blue flowers. Zones 4-8.

Vinca minor 'Alba', (White Myrtle). One inch, shiny green leaves and white spring flowers. Good groundcover for shade. Height less than 4". Zones 4-8.

Vinca minor 'Purpurea', (Purple Myrtle). One inch, shiny green leaves and purple spring flowers. Good groundcover for shade. Height less than 4". Zones 4-8.

Vinca minor 'Variegata', (Variegated Myrtle). One inch leaves, variegated with cream, and blue spring flowers. Good groundcover for shade. Height less than 4". Zones 4-8.

Xyris sp. 'Picayune' : XYRIDACEAE, (Yellow-Eyed Grass). Perhaps X. jupicai. Native yellow-eyed grass from south MS. Height about 2 feet. Tiny yellow flowers from hard brown 1" heads, held on thin stalks above the irislike foliage. Give plenty of moisture. Zones 8-11.

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Zephyranthes candida : AMARYLLIDACEAE, (Rain Lily). Tapered, rushlike leaves. White blossoms in spring, and with the rains, primarily in late summer. Height about 8-10 in. South America. Zones 8-11.

Zephyranthes flavissima, (Golden Rain Lily). 6 in. rainlily, with 1 1/2 in. yellow flowers. Blooms after summer rains. Can also be brought into bloom by potting the bulbs and immersing them in a garden pond. Zones 7-10.

Zephyranthes 'Peach', (Peach Rain Lily). Peachy pink flowers. Rain-induced bloom. Zones 7-10.

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This page most recently updated March 16, 2000.

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