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Quality Education, in your own place, at your own pace...


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Subjects with course titles, descriptions and credits similar to those offered at DLSL and earned by the student from another graduate school of recognized standing shall be accepted provided that the following conditions are met:

The grade is not lower than 1.5 or its equivalent
The subjects were taken not earlier than five (5) years prior to enrolment.
In no case shall the total number of units to be accredited exceed twelve units of academic courses taken from another graduate school.



Up Requirements Procedure Enrollment Procedures Probationary Academic Load Attendance Accreditation Grading System MTR Duration Awards Other Provision

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This web site was created by Levinia B. Silva as a requirement for the SITE Course.


Submitted to:

Prof. Benedict L. Avila

SITE Professor



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This page was modified last: 08/17/1999

You may send your comments to  [email protected]