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Fatima College Monogram




Coat of Arms

National Anthem
The National Flag of Trinidad & Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago Flag

Our flag consists of three colours, black, white and red. The colours Black, White and Red - represent the elements of Earth, Water and Fire which encompasses all our past, present and future; and inspire us as one united, vital, free and dedicated people.

Black - This colour symbolises the dedication of a people joined together by one strong bond. It is the colour of strength, of unity, of purpose, and of the wealth of the land.

Red - Red expresses the temperament of our country. It represents the vitality of the land and it's peoples, the warmth, the energy, the courage and friendliness of the people.

White - White represents the sea by which these lands are bound, the purity of our aspirations and the equality of all people under the sun.

Copyright © Fatima College 1996-2000.