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SPICES; For centuries people have made bland foods more flavorful by adding spices the dried parts of various plants cultivated for their aromatic or pungent properties. Although the terms spices, spice seeds, and herbs are often used interchangeably, the differences between them are clearly defined. Spices are the fragrant or pungent parts of plants grown in tropical and subtropical regions. These parts may include rhizomes (underground stems), bulbs, barks, flower buds, stigmas, fruits, seeds, and leaves. Spice seeds are the tiny aromatic fruits and oily seeds of herbaceous plants, including anise, caraway, cumin, fennel, and sesame. Herbs are the fragrant leaves of plants grown in temperate regions and include marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme . In ancient times, spices were used in medicine and to preserve foods. Today, though they may still serve these purposes, they are used primarily as adjuncts in cooking to impart flavor, aroma, or piquancy to foods. In the small quantities used to prepare culinary dishes, spices have little or no nutritive value, but they stimulate the appetite, taste buds, and gastric juices, add zest to food, and delight the gourmet. They have many other uses as well. In the food industry they are used in the preparation of processed meats, sauces and vinegars, pickles, preserves, cakes, cookies, and beverages. They also go into the preparation of a number of liqueurs, extracts, and perfumes. Some Common Spices Cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, and turmeric were known to Eastern peoples thousands of years ago. Arab traders artfully withheld the true source of these spices, however, and they became valuable items of commerce early in the evolution of the spice trade. To satisfy the curious, to protect their market, and to discourage competitors, the traders spread fantastic tales to the effect that cassia grew in shallow lakes guarded by winged animals and that cinnamon grew in deep glens infested with poisonous snakes. As the spice trade grew, other peoples were introduced to spices, and they developed new uses for them. The most notable uses of spices in very early times were in medicine, in the making of holy oils and unguents, and as aphrodisiacs. Belief in the healing power of spices filtered down, in a moderated form, into the Middle Ages and even into early modern times. It is not known when spices were first used in food. Certainly by the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans many spices had come into use to flavor food and beverages. Spices helped to preserve foods, mask the flavor of partially spoiled meats, and brought a welcome change of flavor. For centuries, however, only the wealthy could afford to indulge in the use of imported aromatic spices. Marco Polo observed, in 13th-century Cathay, that the higher classes of people ate meat that had been preserved in several spices, but the poor had to be content with meat steeped in garlic juice. Knowledge of the use of spices to preserve and flavor food slowly spread through Europe. Finally, in the last third of the 15th century, the Europeans determined to build ships and venture abroad in search of a route to the spice-producing countries. So began the famed voyages of discovery, which included the travels of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Ferdinand Magellan, and Sir Francis Drake. As the Western European nations gained ascendency in the Oriental spice trade, spices at last came into general use by rich and poor alike. By the 20th century the world had come to know an orderly and stable pattern of trade in spices.

HERBS; Records of the use of herbs date from ancient Egypt and Biblical times. The Greeks and Romans studied and wrote about herbs and their uses in medicine and cooking. Early physicians used hundreds of herbs to treat a variety of ailments. Herbs were also used to mask unpleasant household odors and to enhance the taste of dull food. The study and use of herbs continued in Europe. Medieval monasteries became centers of herb collection and cultivation. The herbs were studied for their medical applications and their use in cooking. During the Renaissance, information about herbs was published in books known as herbals. When the first colonists came to the New World, they brought herbs with them. Colonists soon learned about valuable native herbs from American Indians. Each new wave of immigrants arriving in America brought a new collection of herbal remedies. By the 19th century many home remedies containing herbs were patented and sold. Modern drugs replaced most of these remedies, but many still contain the ingredients derived from herbs. Herbs grow in temperate regions. They are the aromatic leaves of such plants as marjoram, mint, rosemary, and thyme. Today herbs are used primarily as seasonings to flavor and enhance food. Other food seasonings are spices, such as black pepper or cinnamon, and aromatic seeds, such as dill or sesame. They are also used in a variety of products such as soap, shampoo, powder, or cosmetics. Herbal teas, made from many different herbs, are considered by some to be healthful. Many people still use herbs for their medicinal properties. Some modern drugs are refined from ingredients found in herbs. There are numerous other herbal plants. They include anise, caraway, chamomile, chicory, cumin, dill, fennel, and licorice. Herbs grow in dry, exposed, and well-drained soil with a lot of sun and low humidity. Manure or compost are often used to promote the formation of oils essential to the cultivation of fragrant and flavorful herbs. Chemical fertilizers, which require a great amount of water, hinder the formation of these oils. Herbs are also grown indoors.

GARLIC;(Allium sativum) A Mediterranean plant, it has white and pink forms, the latter is hardier and longer keeping. The strong unique flavor of garlic is invaluable to the salad lover. A cut clove rubbed around a salad bowl imparts something very special. Used to flavor meat, fish, stews, soups, gravies and bread.

FENNEL; Aniseed flavor. Suitable for tomato, cucumber and salsify salads. It makes a delicate garnish on asparagus.

CHIVES; Perennial clump-forming habit. Grassy hollow leaves, flovoured and smelling like onions. Leaves used in salads, soups, egg,and cheese dishes.

MINT; (Mentha spp.) Mint, in botany, includes members of the genus Mentha, such as peppermint and spearmint. It is native to Europe and grows to a height of 3 feet (91 centimeters). It is a rapidly spreading plant with lance-shaped leaves, square stems, and spikes of violet flowers. The taste is cooling and is a popular flavoring. The plant has a long history of medicinal applications for many ailments. The stronger mints go well with potato, cucumber, carrots, and Bulgar wheat salads. Chop sweeter, more perfumed mints onto green and fruit salads or mix with parsley or mayonnaise.

PARSLEY; Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) has two varieties native to Eurasia. They grow to a height of 3 feet (91 centimeters). Both are used for seasoning. Curly parsley, with its tightly curled foliage, is used as a garnish. Italian parsley has flat leaves and a stronger flavor. A biennial plant, mildly flavored leaves used in many salads, soups, meates, fish,sauces and vegetables.

BAY LEAVES; Bay (Laurus nobilis) is a large tree native to the Mediterranean. In cultivation it is a shrub that grows from 3 to 10 feet (91 to 305 centimeters) tall. The dark green, glossy, lance-shaped leaves are used as a very spicy and pungent seasoning. Use in soups, sauces, casseroles, meats, fish, corned beef, stews, marinated fishes, eggs, creole,spanish omelette, french and herb dressing. Add to water when cooking most vegetables.

BASIL; (Ocimum basilicum) is a tropical Old World plant that grows to 24 inches (61 centimeters) in height. Its bushy, egg-shaped leaves curl inward. Whorls of white flowers form at the ends of the stems. The leaves are sweet and fragrant. Tender annual herbs,used chopped in many salad dishes. Also use on poultry, seafood, but above all with tomatoes.

DILL; (Anethum graveolens) An annual grown both for the seedhead, used in pickling cucumbers, and for the feathery, flavored leaves, which can be chopped into various salads.

THYME; (Thymus vulgaris) is native to the Mediterranean and grows to 6 to 15 inches (15 to 38 centimeters) high. It has small, hairy, oval leaves and whorls of lavender flowers along the end of the stem. Thyme is very aromatic and has a sharp, bitter taste. Use in stuffings, fricassee, roast chicken and turkey, pea and vegetable soup, chowders, sauces, tomato and herb bouquets.

OREGANO; (Origanum vulgare) is a native of Eurasia and grows to a height of 2 1/2 feet (76 centimeters). It is a hardy plant with hairy, oval leaves that are a dull, gray-green in color. Oregano's strong taste and fragrance make it a popular seasoning. Use in beef stews, meat sauces, gravies, omelettes, boiled eggs, potatoes, spagetti sauces, pizzas.

LEMON BALM; (Melissa officinalis) Delicious, refreshing, slightly sweet lomon scent. Wonderful contrast to bitter-leaved plants like sorrel, chicory and endive.

ALLSPICE; (Pimenta diocia) is a tropical evergreen tree native to the West Indies and Central America. The tree was named allspice because the flavor of its dried berries resembles a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. The globular fruits are picked before they are fully ripe. As they are dried in the sun, they turn from green to a dull reddish brown. The spice prepared from the dried berries is aromatic and pungent. It is widely used in baking and is usually present in mincemeat and mixed pickling spice. Allspice is so called because its aroma and flavor resembles a combination of several spices, mainly nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. It is a native to tropical America Spice Islands. Use in pickles, pastries and marinate steaks. Add allspice to melted butter, spoon over baked winter squash.

GINGER; (Zingiber officinale) is a herbaceous plant probably native to Southeastern Asia and now widely cultivated in tropical and warm temperate lands. The spice is made from the plant's rhizome, or underground stem. Harvesting is done simply by taking the rhizomes from the soil, cleaning them, and drying them in the sun. The dried ginger rhizomes are irregular in shape, and their color varies from dark yellow through light brown to pale buff. They are usually ground to produce the spice commonly known as ginger. The spice has a slightly biting taste and is used to flavor breads, sauces, confections, pickles, and ginger ale. Mix ground ginger with butter and serve over asparagus. Also use in breads. cookies, cakes, meat, and poultry.

WHOLE CARAWAY SEEDS; A plant related to the carrot, It is native to Europe and Asis Minor. Used in many kinds of breads and rolls. It is less known but delightful when used to flavor meates, vegetables cheeses,cakes, and applesauce. Add caraway to marinades for beef, lamb, veal and pork.

CINNAMON; (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is a bushy evergreen tree of the laurel family. It is native to Sri Lanka, the neighboring Malabar Coast of India, and Myanmar and is also cultivated in South America and the West Indies. The spice consists of the tree's dried inner bark. It is light brown and has a delicately fragrant aroma and warm, sweet flavor. It is used to flavor a variety of foods, from confections to curries. Sprinkle lightly on lamb chops, boiled beef, stewed chicken, fish, tomato and barbeque sause, sweet potatoes, rice, vegetables, fruits, spiced nuts. Use in baking cookies, cakes, custards and french toast.

VINILLA; Vanilla comes the vanilla bean. Vinalla is used in choclate, puddings, ice creams, candy, cakes, frostings and many other deserts.

STICK CINNAMON; It is imported from Sri Lanka, south east Asia, and Indonesia. Cinnamon comes from thr bark of the Cassia tree. Use to flavor hot tea, coffee,chocolate, fruit punches, juices, mulled wine, hot spiced cider, cafe brulot and swizzle stick in hot rum drinks. Add A 1 inch piece to stock for boiled beef, smoked pork shoulder, and corned beef. Also use in pickled beets, sweet pickles, chutney, cloves.

WHOLE CLOVES; Cloves are the small, reddish brown flower buds of the tropical evergreen tree Syzygium aromaticum, (sometimes Eugenia caryophyllata), believed to be native to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, of Indonesia. The tree grows to a height of 25 to 40 feet (8 to 12 meters) and yields up to 75 pounds (34 kilograms) of dried buds. The buds have a strong aroma and are hot and pungent in taste. Cloves are used to flavor many foods, particularly meats and bakery products. Use to stud ham, lamb and pork and vegetables, too! Add 2-3 cloves to corned beef, pot roasts, and stews while simmering-remove cloves before serving. Place overnight in fruit sauces-3 or 4 should do. Steep with tea or add to fruit punch, mulled wine, cider-use 1-2 per pint. Pierce an orange with rows of cloves to make a sented holiday decoration.

NUTMEG; Nutmeg is the seed of the Myristica fragrans, a tropical evergreen tree native to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, of Indonesia and cultivated principally there and in the West Indies. The tree may reach a height of about 65 feet (20 meters). The nutmeg fruit is a pendulous drupe, similar in appearance to an apricot. When fully mature it splits in two, exposing a crimson-colored aril, the mace, surrounding a single, shiny, brown seed, the nutmeg. After collection, the mace is removed and the nutmegs are dried gradually in the sun. When the kernels can be rattled in their shells, the shells are broken and the nutmegs are picked out. Dried nutmegs are grayish brown ovals with furrowed surfaces. Nutmeg has a distinctive, pungent fragrance and a warm, slightly sweet taste. It is used to flavor many kinds of baked goods, confections, puddings, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and such beverages as eggnog. A native of Spice Islands, kernel of the nutmeg fruit. Grown in Grenada, West Indes and Indonesia. Use in egg nog, apple-sauce, rice pudding, custard pie, cakes doughnuts,wipped cream, ice cream, spice cake, pumpkin pie, cookies: scrambled eggs, chicken dishes; meat loaf. Swedish meatballs; green peas,cabbage, broccoli; cream soups; cream sauce, meat or chicken pie ,baked fish or fish croquettes.

TARRAGON; (Artemisia dracunculus) a shrubby plant native to Eurasia, can reach heights of up to 5 feet (152 centimeters). It has narrow, lance-shaped leaves with white hairs and tiny, round, whitish flowers. Tarragon has a strong, somewhat bitter flavor. Grown on the Spice Island Herb Farm, is a pungent bright-green perennial with a warm anise-like flavor. Its distinctive flavor has a natural affinity for fish, seafood, and poultry; however, it is very versatile and compliments fruit, mixed green salads, soups,sauces,eggs,vinegars and vegetables.

SAGE; Pleasant aromatic odor and warm, bitter taste. Used fresh and dried in stuffing for meat dishes, veal, pork, sausage, hamburgers, poultry, vegetables, beans, tomatoes, cheese combo dishes and salads.

CASSIA; Cassia is the aromatic bark of the Cinnamomum cassia plant and is grown in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The bark is peeled or scraped from stems and branches and set aside to dry. As it drys, the bark curls into quills. Its color varies from light reddish brown to gray. Cassia bark, also known as Chinese cinnamon, has a flavor similar to that of true cinnamon, but is more pungent. Cassia bark or ground cassia is used as a flavoring, particularly in liqueurs and chocolate. Cassia from China is less aromatic than that from Vietnam and Indonesia. Vietnamese, or Saigon, cassia is particularly highly esteemed. Cassia buds, the dried, unripe fruits of C. cassia and C. loureirii, have a cinnamonlike aroma and a warm, sweet, pungent taste similar to that of cassia bark. The whole buds are added to foods for flavoring.

CARDAMOM; Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a herbaceous plant of the ginger family, native to moist forests of southern India. The spice consists of the dried fruit of the plant, either whole or ground, or just its seeds. The fruit may be collected from wild plants, but most is cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, and Guatemala. The whole fruit is a green, three-sided oval capsule containing 15 to 20 dark, reddish brown to brownish black, hard, angular seeds. The fruits are picked or clipped from the stems just before maturity, cleaned, and dried in the sun or in a heated curing chamber. After curing and drying, the small stems of the capsules are removed. Decorticated cardamom consists of husked dried seeds. Cardamom spice has a warm, slightly pungent, and highly aromatic flavor somewhat reminiscent of camphor.

CAYENNE; Cayenne is a name applied to a number of small-fruited species of garden peppers (Capsicum), particularly of the Longum variety (see Peppers). Cayenne pepper is said to have originated in Cayenne in French Guiana and is now produced in many parts of the world. The spice is very pungent and is produced by drying and grinding the orange to deep-red fruits of these pepper plants.

CHERVIL; Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium), native to Eurasia, grows to a height of 24 inches (61 centimeters). Its leaves resemble parsley in shape but are finer. White flowers bloom in umbrella-shaped clusters. Chervil tastes somewhat like parsley but has a slight anise flavor that intensifies the taste of other herbs when used in cooking.

ROSEMARY; (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean that reaches a height of 2 to 4 feet (61 to 122 centimeters). The narrow leaves have a very fragrant scent that, in the wild, is detectable at great distances. It has many uses medicinally or as a seasoning.

SAGE; Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a shrub native to southern Europe. It grows to a height of 2 feet (61 centimeters). The oval, gray-green leaves have a wrinkled surface covered with short, white hairs. Spikes of violet flowers bloom in the summer. Its leaves have a strong flavor.

SAVORY; Savory. Summer savory (Satureia hortensis) and winter savory (S. montana) are native to the Mediterranean. Summer savory grows to a height of 18 inches (46 centimeters) and has narrow, hairy leaves that grow sparsely along the stem. It has a sweet, peppery taste and smell. Winter savory is smaller and wider than summer savory and reaches a height of 12 inches (30 centimeters). The narrow leaves have a sharp, peppery taste.

MACE; Mace is a spice consisting of the dried aril, or lacy covering, of the nutmeg fruit of the tropical evergreen tree Myristica fragrans. In processing mace, the crimson-colored aril is removed from the nutmeg that it envelops and is flattened and dried. Its color changes to pale yellow, orange, or tan. Mace has a slightly warm taste and a fragrance similar to that of nutmeg. It is used to flavor bakery products, meat and fish dishes, sauces and vegetables, and in preserving and pickling.

CURRY; Curry is actually a blend of ground herbs and spices adapted by British settlers in India from the traditional spice mixtures of Indian cuisine. The basic ingredients of commercial curry powder are turmeric (which imparts the characteristic yellow color), cumin, coriander, and cayenne pepper. Other ingredients may include chilies, cloves, cinnamon, fenugreek, nutmeg, ginger, mace, mustard seed, fennel, poppy seed, allspice, anise, bay leaf, and black or white pepper. The curries of southern India, commonly used to season vegetarian dishes, are the most pungent and often contain hot chilies. The milder curries of northern India are often used in lamb and poultry dishes.

PAPRIKA; Paprika is made from the pods of the annual garden pepper shrub Capsicum annuum (see Peppers). The plant is native to tropical areas of the Western Hemisphere and is cultivated throughout the world. Depending on the variety, the pods may be 1/2 inch to 1 foot (1.3 centimeters to 0.3 meter) in length, with a long, round, or conical shape, and yellow, brown, purple, or red color. The pods are harvested when ripe and are dried and ground to produce paprika. When mild paprikas are made, the central core, which contains the seeds, is first removed. A sharper Hungarian variety, Koenigspaprika, or king's paprika, is made from the whole pepper. Paprika is frequently used in the cooking of Spain, Mexico, and the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. It is especially associated with Hungarian cuisine.<

PEPPER; Pepper (Piper nigrum) is a climbing vine native to the Malabar Coast of India and widely cultivated throughout the East Indies. The spice known as black pepper is made from the plant's berrylike fruits, or peppercorns, which become yellowish red at maturity and bear a single seed. The odor of the berries is penetrating and aromatic, and the taste is hot, biting, and very pungent. The collected berries are immersed in boiling water then are dried in the sun. The whole peppercorns, when ground, yield the hotly pungent black pepper probably the most widely used spice in the world today. White pepper is obtained from peppercorns from which the dark outer coating has been removed. The flavor is less pungent than that of black pepper.

POPPY; Poppy seeds are the tiny dried seeds of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, a herbaceous annual plant native to Greece and Asia (see Poppy). The tiny seeds are kidney-shaped and grayish blue to dark blue in color. They have no narcotic properties because the fluid from which opium is derived is present only before the seeds form. Poppy seeds have a mild, nutty taste and are especially popular in breads and baked goods.

TURMERIC; Turmeric is made from the rhizomes of the turmeric plant, Curcuma domestica. The plant is native to southern India and Indonesia and is cultivated on the mainland and islands of the Indian Ocean. The rhizomes are boiled, dried in the sun, and then polished. Dried rhizomes vary in length from about 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 centimeters). They have a pepperlike aroma and a somewhat bitter, warm taste. The spice is usually sold in ground form. Turmeric is mixed with ground mustard seed to add color and flavor to prepared mustard. It is also used in curry powder, relishes, pickles, fish and egg dishes, and with poultry, rice, and pork.


Aunt Edna's Spice Rack
Herbes and spices of all kinds
Helpful hints for cooking with herbs and spices