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Cream may be churned into butter, leaving as a by-product buttermilk, which is similar in
composition to skim milk. Butter is about 80 percent fat. Buttermilk and yogurt. Buttermilk is of
two kinds. One type remains after the churning of cream into butter. Cultured buttermilk is skim
milk to which the organisms that produce lactic acid have been added. Yogurt is a fermented milk.
but ter milk (but r milk ) n.1 the liquid left after churning butter from milk 2 a commercially
prepared milk drink made by adding bacteria to sweet milk.


I write it all down in my recipe book
Things that I like food that I cook
When I am all finished it goes on the shelf
With each dish that I cook I give a part of myself

Each recipe book has a place of its own
It tells of your history and things that went on
If you ever forget there was a very special day
Just take down the book that is all I can say

Written By
M. E. Breau

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(This Page Last Updated ) March. 17, 1997