Academy Awards®

Summary of Best Picture Winners

Event Title
1998 Titanic
1997 English Patient, The
1996 Braveheart
1995 Forrest Gump
1994 Schindler's List
1993 Unforgiven
1992 Silence of the Lambs, The
1991 Dances with Wolves
1990 Driving Miss Daisy
1989 Rain Man
1988 Last Emperor, The
1987 Platoon
1986 Out of Africa
1985 Amadeus
1984 Terms of Endearment
1983 Gandhi
1982 Chariots of Fire
1981 Ordinary People
1980 Kramer vs. Kramer
1979 Deer Hunter, The
1978 Annie Hall
1977 Rocky
1976 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1975 Godfather: Part II, The
1974 Sting, The
1973 Godfather, The
1972 French Connection, The
1971 Patton
1970 Midnight Cowboy
1969 Oliver!
1968 In the Heat of the Night
1967 Man for All Seasons, A
1966 Sound of Music, The
1965 My Fair Lady
1964 Tom Jones
1963 Lawrence of Arabia
1962 West Side Story
1961 Apartment, The
1960 Ben-Hur
1959 Gigi
1958 Bridge on the River Kwai, The
1957 Around the World in 80 Days
1956 Marty
1955 On the Waterfront
1954 From Here to Eternity
1953 Greatest Show on Earth, The
1952 American in Paris, An
1951 All About Eve
1950 All the King's Men
1949 Hamlet
1948 Agreement
1947 Best Years of Our Lives, The
1946 Lost Weekend, The
1945 Going My Way
1944 Casablanca
1943 Mrs. Miniver
1942 How Green Was My Valley
1941 Rebecca
1940 Gone with the Wind
1939 You Can't Take It With You
1938 Life of Émile Zola, The
1937 Great Ziegfeld, The
1936 Mutiny on the Bounty
1935 It Happened One Night
1934 Cavalcade
1933 Grand Hotel
1932 Cimarron
1931 All Quiet on the Western Front
1930 Broadway Melody, The
1929 Wings

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